A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,97

the window for Dominic for the last twenty minutes, observing the morning traffic as it went by the house on a partly cloudy day.

Norlan had been right about Madalin. When they arrived home yesterday to tell her the news, she immediately said that Jake needed better clothes if he was going to the palace and, without giving him time to object, led him to a store that had men's clothing. As Madalin and the store's owner, a friendly older woman named Jerica, brought out what seemed like a never-ending selection of clothing, Jake felt like an oversized doll as they had him to try on different garments as they discussed the best colors and styles. Finally, they settled on a dark set of pants, a fancy white shirt and the doublet. They both had gushed over how it brought out the blue in his eyes.

He tried to endure it with patience and grace, just glad that Dominic was not there to see it. Jake was at least able to get Madalin to allow him to pay for these clothes. She suggested that he consider buying some shoes, but eventually agreed that his black boots would be fine, provided he clean and polish them.

On the way back to the house, Madalin had insisted that they stop by a barbershop, so Jake could get a haircut and a proper shave. He did not mind the haircut since his hair was getting a bit long, but he was a bit concerned about getting the shave, especially since he did not have much of a beard. He tried to relax as the barber brought the straight razor to his neck, a chill running through him as the sharp blade touched his skin. In the end, the barber was good at his craft and Jake left without even a nick.

"Stop playing with it, Jake." Madalin said, intruding on his thoughts, as she sat in her chair, reading a book. "Do please sit down. You are tiring me out just watching you stand there. Dominic will get here when he gets here."

She looked over at him, her eyes twinkling, a pleased smile on her face. "You look very handsome."

"Yeah, Jake, very handsome." Cherise added with a giggle, looking up as she lay on the floor, working on a drawing.

"Thanks." Jake said, blushing slightly from the compliments as he sat down in Norlan's chair.

Madalin returned to her book as Cherise continued to scratch away on her parchment. Jake sat there, feeling both excited and nervous about going to see Keria. He started to run possible conversations in his head, trying to work out his responses so he would not sound like an idiot, babbling on.

Suddenly, he heard Maxis start barking and saw him run from the side of the house towards the front gate. Jake stood up and saw Dominic entering the yard. Maxis was running straight at him when Dominic simply stopped and looked at the dog, face calm and neutral. Maxis came to an abrupt stop, then slowly approached Dominic, head low. He crept up to Dominic's hand and stopped, waiting, tail tucked. Dominic just looked at the dog for a couple of moments, then surprised Jake by reaching out and scratching Maxis' head for a second or two. He then made a gesture and the dog happily took off back to the side yard.

Jake went to the front door and opened it as Dominic reached the porch. Dominic gave Jake an appraising look, eyebrow cocking up, taking in the fine clothes and haircut.

"Very pretty, boy." Dominic said, a light smile coming to his lips. "I'm sure that princess will find you presentable this time. You look like the other court dandies now."

Jake flushed at the remark, but before he could retort, Madalin pushed by him to confront Dominic. She stepped right up to him and poked him in the breastplate with her finger, eyes angry.

"I picked out his clothes, if you must know, Dominic." Madalin said with some heat. "You are right. I am sure the princess will find Jake the handsome young man that he is. Just because you can't recognize it, don't take it out on him."

"No offense was meant for your taste, Madalin." Dominic replied, stepping back and giving her a slight bow. Madalin face took on a concentrated look, apparently trying to decide if that was meant to be mocking. "Those are fine clothes, fit for the palace."

"However, he is still my apprentice, for lack of a better word." Dominic

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