A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,94

could probably crush us both with those arms. If I had to fight him, I would do everything I could not to allow him to get a hold on me. But let's say he did; knowing that I could not out-muscle him, what do I do? Give up?" Dominic face clearly showed what he thought of that. "The answer is that I would do everything I could to get away or defeat him. Biting, clawing, kicking, bashing him with a rock, whatever it takes. Burn this into your brain: in combat, the winner is the one who is not dead."

Dominic started to undo his wraps. "We're done for the day." He stated. "Just think about what I said."

After that first session, despite Jake's pleas to focus on his sword skills, Dominic insisted that they incorporate hand-to-hand training at least once or twice a week. Jake would only groan each time he arrived at the training area to see Dominic wrapping up his hands, resigned to a painful afternoon.

However, as word spread of their training sessions, they gained an audience beside Hailyn's regular presence. Small groups of soldiers and trainees started to come over to observe, at first from a distance, gradually getting closer. At first, Dominic tried to chase them off, but every day another group would show up. After a lengthy discussion with their officers, he agreed to allow small groups to observe the second half of their training, provided they follow his instructions.

Jake was actually pleased by the extra bodies since Dominic eventually decided to use them as part of the training. Besides the training swords, he brought out sets of leather vambraces and some padded leather helmets with metal faceguards that extended to protect the throat. He began to call the trainees over to spar with Jake to give him an opportunity to fight with others around his skill level. Dominic kept a close eye on these contests, evaluating Jake after every session, while giving his observations to Jake's opponents as well. Jake was pleased to find out that he was able to hold his own, actually winning more sessions than he lost.

Jake's horsemanship also continued to improve. Armartas, once he was satisfied that Jake was competent on horseback, began to train Jake on horseback fighting techniques. Jake was introduced to additional weapons besides his sword, including the spear and mace. The spear training turned out to be Jake's least favorite. Trying to throw it while riding was tough enough, but when Armartas had him use it as a lance, he came out of the saddle on more than a few occasions, until he learned to release it correctly. When he did not go out on patrol, Dominic would saddle Shadow and join these sessions.

As often as he could, Jake would saddle Dontas and just ride for pleasure. After talking with Armartas and Dominic, he was given permission to go into the city on these rides. Luckily, Hailyn would often join him for these excursions. He enjoyed having her along, both as a guide and a friend to talk to. They began to explore areas of the city where he had never gone.

One day, they rode into the Perfume Quarter where Jake quickly found out why it was called that. With the various perfume and soap merchants and manufacturers, there was an overwhelming mix of floral, musky and earthy smells that filled the air.

He and Hailyn went into a few shops, Jake thinking to get Madalin something to thank her for everything she has done for him. With Hailyn's help, he bought a finely engraved bottle of perfume and had it wrapped up in a brightly colored box. She assured him that it was a popular scent and Madalin would love it.

When he gave it to Madalin after dinner that night, it turned out that Hailyn was right. When Madalin opened the box and took out the bottle, Jake could see the surprise and delight in her eyes.

"It's such a fine gift, Jake." Madalin said, turning the bottle over in her hands. "Thank you, but I'm not sure what I have done to deserve this."

"Are you kidding me?!" Jake exclaimed. "You, along with Norlan and Cherise, have given me, a complete stranger, a place to stay, fed and clothed me and made me part of your family. Barrels of that perfume couldn't begin to repay you for all of the kindness you have shown me."

Madalin did not say anything, but Jake could see that she had tears

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