A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,78

felt as if he had been beaten in his sleep, as all of his muscles protested, stiff and sore, when he untangled himself from his covers. He got to his feet, grimacing as he twisted and stretched, trying to work out the kinks and stiffness. Clearly, he was not used to working as physically as he did the day before.

The physical soreness was matched by the mental discomfort his dream had produced. It had seemed so real. He could still feel the terror and anger, as well as the power that had flowed from him, as he faced that awful figure. He shook his head, trying to clear out the images and focus his attention on something else.

Glancing about the room, he saw his clothes, armor and swordbelt scattered about the small room where he had dropped them the night before. He could imagine what Dominic would say to him if he saw this mess. Groaning slightly, he moved to forestall any possibility of that by slowly and stiffly picking up his stuff.

Once he cleaned up his room, he went to the doorway and stuck his head out to see how early it was. The sky was still dark, but lightening in the east. With the images of his dream still fresh and troubling in his mind, he did not trust sleeping again. He went back inside, made his bed and dressed in a new set of clothes.

To kill some time and distract himself, he pulled out his honing stone and oil to work on his sword. Sitting on the bed, he drew his sword from the scabbard, gave it a close inspection, looking for any hint of rust or blemish. He was uncomfortably aware that the swordhilt felt the same in his hand as when he held it in his dream.

Mentally telling himself to let it go, he went to work. After he was satisfied with condition of the blade and the sharpness of the edge, he sheathed it and picked up his armor. After he finished his inspection and cleaning, he decided he may as well suit up for the day.

Once completely dressed, he went outside to get some fresh air. The morning air was cool, with some high clouds and a slight breeze. Moving about the patio area, he continued to stretch his sore muscles, knowing that he would be having more of the same today.

He heard a short bark from Maxis on the other side of the house, the dog clearly aware of Jake's presence. Jake went over to the corner of the house and looked over the short fence that was part of Maxis' enclosure. The fence seemed wholly inadequate as Maxis ran up to Jake, his head easily clearing the top of the fence. Jake reached out and petted the dog, which excitedly licked at Jake's hands. The exuberance of the dog caused Jake to smile as he rubbed away at Maxis' head, his unease temporarily relieved. Unfortunately, the reprieve was short-lived as the images and feelings of his dream returned, focusing Jake's attention inward.

Lost in his thoughts, Jake was startled when a voice suddenly said. "You're up early, Jake." Jake jumped at the sound, still tense from his dream. He turned, embarrassed by his start, to see that Norlan had come out of the house. Norlan came over to where Jake stood, an easy smile on his face. Maxis continued to rub his head against Jake's hand.

"I did not mean to frighten you." Norlan said apologetically, noticing Jake's jump.

"It wasn't you so much, Norlan." Jake replied. He hesitated for a moment, then said. "I had a weird dream last night; it seemed so real and I can't seem to shake it."

"Do you care to share it?" Norlan asked gently.

Jake, comforted by his solid presence, told Norlan about the dream. Norlan listened quietly, his face serious as Jake described his flight from the darkness and the battle on the wall. When Jake finished his tale, Norlan gestured to one of the patio benches, leading Jake over to sit down, Maxis barking his disappointment at the end of the attention.

"I'm a simple blacksmith, Jake." Norlan began, speaking slowly as he gathered his thoughts. "I have no great insight on dreams and their meanings, but your dream disturbs me for some reason." He paused for a moment. "Maybe it is just my concern for you, but I would like for you to discuss this with Dominic or Jonas. They are both well traveled, educated and have

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