A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,74

pulled out his keys and opened the door. Inside were four stations set up along the walls, two on each side. Each station contained a bridle and saddle, as well as brushes and other tack. Armartas pointed to the one on the right, closest to the door. "This is yours, Jake. Grab the saddle."

Jake lifted the saddle off its stand, groaning a bit from the weight, arms protesting. Armartas took the bridle and went over to Dontas' stall, Jake following. Gently stroking Dontas' head, Armartas showed Jake how to set the bridle and led Dontas into the hallway. Under Armartas' guidance, Jake practiced putting on and removing the saddle from Dontas several times. Once he was satisfied with Jake's progress, Armartas had him put the saddle back in the tack room and showed him where the feed was kept, as well as the straw.

Armartas handed Jake a key off his key ring. "This is your key for the tack room. Always remember to lock it after you are done." He lightly gripped one of Jake's arms. "We will take Dontas out on your next visit. Now, you need to brush down Dontas and clean out his stall. You should also make sure that he is fed and watered before you leave."

"By the way, Dominic told me that you would clean out Shadow's stall and feed him as well. You remember where he is stalled?" Jake nodded slowly, inwardly groaning. Armartas gave him a knowing smile and left.

Jake headed back to Dontas, grabbed a brush and set to work. Dontas was a bit skittish at first, but relaxed after a few minutes, allowing Jake to complete the brushing quickly. He found a shovel and wheelbarrow and cleaned out the stall, laying down some fresh straw. He grabbed some feed and hay, refilled the water trough and led Dontas back into the stall. He removed the bridle and stroked Dontas' head for a few moments, then left, closing the stall and locking up the tack room.

He made his way over to Shadow's stall and repeated the process. He was a little afraid of the big stallion, but surprisingly, Shadow was compliant. By the time he led Shadow back into his stall and left the stables, he felt exhausted and the sun was close to setting in the west. He made his way through the training grounds and back towards Norlan's. He ignored the early evening crowds, not really paying attention as he focused on getting back and going to sleep.

When he arrived at Norlan's house, he was surprised to see Jonas and Hailyn standing in the yard, talking with Norlan while Cherise and Maxis ran around. Maxis gave a bark as Jake reached the gate, charging over to him. Jake tiredly reached down and petted him as the dog bounced around excitedly while the others looked in his direction. He made his way over to them.

"Good evening, Jake." Jonas said, a smile on his face. Hailyn also smiled at Jake in the way of greeting, but did not say anything. "I came by to check on how your first day of training went."

"Honestly, it was a long day. I really want to eat, take a quick shower and go to bed." Jake stated.

Jonas and Norlan looked at each other and shared a good-natured laugh. "It seems that is everyone's first day experience." Norlan said. "I remember that when I started my apprenticeship, I did not think I would ever make it past the first week; I was so tired. It will pass."

"I remember my soldier training and I know Dominic." Jonas added. "I'm satisfied that you have not suffered permanent harm and don't want to stand in your way of a meal and a shower, so Hailyn and I will go now."

"Are you sure you will not stay and eat?" Norlan asked Jonas. "We have plenty."

"Thank you, but no; some other time perhaps." Jonas replied, heading towards the gate. "Come along, Hailyn." Hailyn gave Jake's hand a quick squeeze as she passed him, following Jonas out of the gate.

"Let's get you fed, Jake." Norlan said good-naturedly, leading him into the house.

The meal went by in a fog, as Jake found himself drifting off as he finished his food. He got up and attempted to assist in cleaning the table, but Madalin sent him out to clean up. He went to his room, quickly undressed and went out to the shower area. After his shower, he came back to his room and changed

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