A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,55

out her hands.

"They are pretty dirty and smelly. Maybe I should wash them myself…" Jake said, not wanting to part with his clothes.

"Don't be silly, Jake. You are a guest." Madalin said as she reached over and took Jake's clothes, leaving him holding his shoes. "I can have these cleaned, mended and back to you in a day or so."

"Ok. Thank you." Jake said.

"There will be plenty of time to speak tomorrow. We should leave and let the lad rest." Norlan said. Madalin and Cherise nodded and left, wishing Jake a good night. Norlan paused at the door, looking back at Jake. "I know that you have traveled far and your future is uncertain, Jake, but I want you to consider this your home while you are here." He left, pulling the curtain closed behind him.

Jake sat down on the bed, finding that it was firm, but comfortable. He pushed his shoes over near the door and pulled out his phone. He powered it on, checking the battery. He saw that he only had about a seventy percent charge left. Sighing, he powered it off and placed it on the dresser. He went over to the clothes bundle and found some underwear. He changed into them, then unlaced the sandals, sliding them under the bed, and went around the room and blew out all of the candles but one. He got into the bed, fluffing the pillow a bit, and pulled the blanket up. He lay there, listening to the faint sounds of the city and thinking through everything that had happened to him. Soon, his eyes closed and he was asleep.

Jake was having a great dream about him, the princess and Sabrina enjoying a bath when a knocking sound intruded into the dream. It took him a moment to realize it was not part of the dream and woke up. The knocking came again from outside his doorway.

"Jake." He heard Madalin call his name from the other side of the curtain. "Are you awake?"

"Yes." Jake replied, sitting up and wiping the morning gunk from his eyes.

"When you are dressed, please come inside, the morning meal is prepared." Jake heard her walk away.

He stood up, feeling the cold stone floor under his feet, and stretched, feeling more rested than he had in days. He went the pitcher and poured some water into the bowl. He leaned over and splashed some onto his face, finding the water was cool and refreshing. As he was drying his face with the towel, he could see in the mirror that his hair was a mess. He wet it down and tried to comb it back with his fingers, mostly succeeding.

He went over to the clothes left for him. He found a pair of loose brown cotton pants, a thin leather belt and a white long-sleeved shirt. There was also a brown leather vest, with laces in the front, but he decided that he would not wear it. After putting on the clothes, he went back to the bed and laced up the sandals. He put his phone in the pants pocket and went outside.

He saw that it was still early in the morning, the sun a little over the horizon, the sky dotted with white puffy clouds. He could see people, horses and carts moving around on the streets, the city coming to life. He walked over to the back door of the house and went in. As he came down the hallway, he could see Norlan and Cherise sitting down at the table. Norlan saw him and waved him over.

"Good morning, lad." He said with a smile. "Come sit down and get something to eat." He pointed to a chair next to him. There was a place setting with a metal plate, fork and knife, as well as a wooden cup.

Jake came over to the table and sat down, across from Cherise. She was scribbling something on a piece of paper. Madalin came over from the counter, carrying a wooden tray. She smiled at Jake and asked. "Did you sleep well, Jake? You had enough blankets?"

"I was fine, thank you." Jake replied as Madalin set down the tray on the table. The tray had fried eggs and strips of meat that looked like bacon. There was also sliced fruit and apples.

"I'm glad to hear that. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask." Madalin said, sitting down at the empty chair.

"I will, thank you."

"Cherise, it is time for food. You can draw

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