A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,53

so far as setting the rates."

Dominic gave a sharp little laugh. "Much to the king and his advisors' surprise, Bandeos refused. In front of the entire court, he told the king that the clerics' skills were a gift from the One and their help was not for sale. No one would be denied their services."

"The king, stupid sot that he was, had Bandeos arrested on the spot for treason. Word of his arrest spread quickly through the city. The clerics, in response, closed the Temple to all of the nobles, refusing to perform services for them until Bandeos was released. The clerics serving in the army also left in protest and returned to the Temple." He looked over to Jake, eyes gleaming in the torchlight. "You have to understand how big an impact that was; the army had just fought a war and many of the soldiers had the clerics to thank for still being alive."

Dominic shook his head. "The situation came to a head when the king decided to send the Royal Guards to reopen the Temple and force the clerics to obey. As soon as that was known, whole companies of soldiers abandoned their posts and surrounded the Temple, prepared to defend the clerics. The Royal Guards were not happy with these orders, many having fought alongside the soldiers; nonetheless, they formed up ranks in the courtyard. The soldiers established defensive positions and waited for the attack. The city was on the brink of civil war, one in which the king would lose."

"Fortunately for all, the king's brother was a smart one and could do the math. He deposed the king, ordered the Royal Guards back to their barracks and released Bandeos. Bandeos, in turn, asked the soldiers to return to their barracks, as well as the clerics that served with them. He reopened the Temple to all. After a cooling-off period, the new king and Bandeos met and came up with the Agreement on the Relationship of Clerics and the Crown."

"This agreement states that, for perpetuity, the Chief Cleric is independent of the Crown, serving only as an advisor. The Chief Cleric has the sole authority to run the Temple and the clerics, without interference from the Crown. In return, the clerics agreed to continue to send healing clerics to the army, open their schools to all and support, when possible, the Crown's initiatives."

"Bandeos and his successors, like Jonas, have been astute enough about court politics not to exercise this autonomy often or openly. Jonas could have refused to come to court, but he knows when to pick his battles."

After walking about five minutes or so through the maze of buildings, they turned a corner and come upon a single-story home, made of stone with a tile roof, surrounded with a wooden fence. It was on a large lot, had grass and trees surrounding it, the front of the home facing out towards the other street. Warm yellow light radiated from the windows. Jake saw a couple of smaller buildings at the back of the main home. Even in the dim moonlight, Jake could tell that the grounds were clean and well maintained.

Dominic walked up to the gate in the fence and called out. "Norlan, we're here! Where is that dog?"

The door facing the gate opened and Norlan walked out. He gave a wave and replied. "You don't have to be afraid, Dominic. I have him tied up on the other side of the house."

"I'm not afraid, Norlan; I just know how fond your family is of that dog and didn't want him to make a mistake." Dominic said with a slight smile.

"He is a smart one; he knows you. I am sure it would have been fine." Norlan said, smiling.

"I was worried for the boy." Dominic said dryly. He reached over to Jake and took his clothes back. "Go with Norlan." He said, then his face hardened. "Mind your manners, boy; he is a good man. Don't make Jonas or myself regret this. I will come by to check on you tomorrow to make sure you have not broken anything." Dominic nodded to Norlan and strode away before Jake could protest, leaving him grumbling under his breath.

"Don't let Dominic fool you, Jake." Norlan said, grinning, opening the gate to let Jake in. "I think he actually likes you." He gently closed the gate behind Jake and led him to the house. He opened the door and motioned Jake through. "Welcome to my home."

Jake entered the house,

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