A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,32

start when he noticed Jake for the first time, with his strange clothes and earbuds in, and his eyes suddenly sparkled with interest. "A strange boy you have with you, warrior. Where do you hail from, son?"

"My thanks, merchant. Safe travels." Dominic said briefly before Jake could answer. He wheeled Shadow and spurred him on to avoid any more questions. They sped off up the north road.

"What are they doing?" Dominic asked Jake over his shoulder, voice hard, body tense, his hand gripping his sword.

Jake looked back and saw the wagon crossing the road and moving onto the westerly road. "They're heading west. Is there a problem?" Jake asked.

"I'm not sure. I am always suspicious of travelers with too much curiosity. The merchant's interest in you troubled me for some reason." Dominic said, frowning, releasing his sword. He reached into a saddlebag and pulled out a long cloak. "Put this on. Our enemies have eyes and ears everywhere and your clothes stand out. For now, do not speak to anyone until we reach Jonas." Dominic urged Shadow to a faster pace.

They did not slow or stop for the rest of the morning. Jake had put on the cloak and tucked away his phone to save power and was stuck gazing out across the plains as Dominic refused to talk about his concerns. As it approached mid-day, he noticed a dark line appear on the horizon in front of them. As they drew closer, Jake could see that it was a line of large, leafy trees that seemed to stretch for miles in either direction. "What is that?" Jake asked.

"The Royal Highway." Dominic replied. "Over the centuries, the kings have planted trees to line both sides of the highway. They each tried to outdo their predecessors, so the trees now line the complete length of the highway."

As they approached the trees, Jake could make out a wooden building set just off the side of the road, settled in the trees. It was a two-story building with a small fence around it. As they drew closer, Jake saw several horses tied up next to the building and people standing on the porch. There were also tables and chairs set up out in the small clearing under the trees.

"What is this?" Jake asked.

"A waystation set up by the Crown to allow for travelers to eat and rest." Dominic replied. He glanced back at Jake. "Pull up the hood to cover your face and do not speak to anyone for any reason."

Jake settled the hood over his head as Dominic slowed and stopped Shadow at the waystation. "Stay here" was all Dominic said as he dismounted and headed inside. Clearly, Dominic was well known as several people greeted him as he climbed the steps, Dominic giving them curt nods in reply as he entered the building. Many of the people on the porch started talking and pointing in his direction after Dominic passed.

Jake could see and feel the curious stares on him as he quietly sat on Shadow. He really wanted to get down for a few minutes. His butt was sore from all of the riding, it was getting hot under the cloak and he felt a little stupid just sitting there. However, he did not want to get on Dominic's bad side by disobeying him. Showing a confidence he did not feel, he ignored the stares and quiet murmurings.

He glanced around and saw the highway on the other side of the building. The dirt road they were on gave way to a paved road. The highway was wide and paved with interlocking blocks of flat gray stone. There were wear marks in the road, indicating many years of traffic. Another row of the same type of tree rose on the other side of the highway. Jake saw some riders on horses and a couple of wagons pass by as he waited for Dominic.

After a few minutes, Jake heard the murmuring increase at the building and turned his head to see Dominic heading back towards him, two large pouches in his hand. Dominic quickly pulled himself into the saddle and directed Shadow out onto the highway, pushing him into a gallop. Shadow's metal-shod hooves rang as they hit the paving stones.

"Here." Dominic said as he handed Jake a pouch. "We'll eat in the saddle." Jake struggled at first to open the pouch and maintain his balance on the horse. He finally succeeded in opening it to find what looked like a large turkey

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