A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,30

boot. "We need to get on the road if you want to sleep in a bed tonight. If you need to answer nature's call, there is a stream back over there." Dominic pointed across the clearing to where the ground sloped down. He tossed Jake a small object in waxed paper.

Jake looked at it confused, unsure what it was. "It is soap." Dominic said as he turned and started repacking his supplies. Jake saw that Shadow had a feed bag on when he glanced over at the horse.

Jake sat up and slowly stood, unsure if his legs would support him. To his delight, it appeared that the foul-tasting potion Dominic had given him worked on his legs as well. He stretched for a second, then headed for the stream. The morning air was cool, but not uncomfortable. His feet still felt damp as he walked across the clearing and he could see that his sweats were worse for wear, dirty and torn in multiple places from his race to escape Matus' group.

After he used the bathroom, he bent down next to the stream and pulled out the soap. His gave it a sniff and found that it had a pleasant floral scent. He washed his hands, rewrapping the soap and headed back, letting his hands air dry rather than wipe them on his dirty clothes. Jake walked slowly, twisting and stretching out some of the stiffness he felt as he moved. Dominic had packed the supplies and was saddling Shadow when Jake got back.

"Can I help?" Jake asked, feeling odd just standing there watching.

"No." Dominic replied shortly. He pointed to the waterskin and a small pouch sitting on a nearby log. "There is something to eat and drink. Eat it all as we will not stop for a meal until mid-day." He went back to tightening the hitches on the saddle.

Jake's mouth watered and his stomach grumbled in response to the thought of food. He picked up the pouch and opened it. He saw several large pieces of the jerky and a rough-cut piece of cheese. He immediately pulled out the jerky and dug in, tearing at it with his teeth and savoring the flavor. He ate all of the food, chasing his bites with sips from the waterskin. Once he was done, he closed the empty pouch and capped the waterskin and went back over to where Dominic was waiting.

"Do you feel strong enough to stay on the horse without help?" Dominic asked as he put the pouch in a saddlebag and slung the waterskin over the pommel. Jake nodded and Dominic swung up into the saddle. He held down his hand and pulled Jake up and behind him.

"Hang on, boy." Dominic warned Jake. Jake grabbed the straps on Dominic's breastplate. "On, Shadow!" Dominic called and Shadow leapt forward. Dominic guided the big horse down a small dirt trail and back onto the forest road. The trees moved by quickly as Shadow picked up speed.

Jake shifted a few times to get comfortable as Shadow settled into a steady gallop. He saw that they were still surrounded by the forest, though the trees seemed fewer and farther apart. The morning light was scattered around the forest floor, streaming through the many gaps in the trees.

"How big is this forest?" Jake asked Dominic loudly, trying to be heard over the sound of Shadow's hooves. "It seems to go on forever."

"It is called the Great Southern Forest for a reason. It stretches for hundreds of leagues south, perhaps the largest forest in the world. It begins in the east at the base of the Gray Ridges mountain chain and spills out onto the Plain of Sanduas." Dominic said over his shoulder. "However, we are closer to its northern edge than you might imagine; we should be out of it within the hour. The road we are on travels north-northeast. We will exit onto the plains and travel to the Sanduas Royal Highway, the main east-west roadway. From there, we will be able to reach Sanduas, the capital city, by nightfall."

"So, once we get thereā€¦" Jake started, trying to get a sense of what lay ahead.

"I know that you have many questions, boy, but talking over my shoulder to answer them is not something I want to do. I am sure when we get to Sanduas, Jonas will have a map and be more than happy to answer all of the questions you want to put to him. Until then, the trip will

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