A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,28

surrounding bushes. "Are there more?!" He repeated, tone harsh, when Jake did not say anything.

"No, there were only eight." Jake said softly, voice raspy from his exertions.

Nodding, the man went back towards the dead men, pausing to remove his dagger from Surt. He went over to Matus' body and wiped the blood off his dagger and sword on Matus' cloak and sheathed them. He searched Matus' clothes and cloak, finding some gold and Jake's phone. He looked at it with curiosity.

"That's mine." Jake said, struggling to sit up. "He took it from me when he captured me."

The tall man stared at Jake for a moment or two, then casually tossed him his phone, earbuds trailing like a streamer. Jake could not catch it, but it landed next to him. Jake picked up his phone, tears of relief coming to his eyes, as the tall man searched the rest of the bodies.

Satisfied, the tall man went over to his supplies, which were lying next to his sleeping blanket, and searched through his saddle bags. He pulled out a large piece of cloth, a waterskin and some wrapped food and came back to squat down next to Jake.

"Here, boy, drink some water." He said, handing Jake the waterskin, as he used the cloth to wipe the blood off his armor and clothes. Jake gratefully tilted the skin back and drank deeply. The tall man reached out and pulled it away. "Not so fast. In your condition, you are as likely to throw it up if you drink too much. Take small sips only." He handed the skin back to Jake and opened up the wrapped food.

"Eat this and chew slowly." He said as he handed Jake a small piece of what looked like jerky. Jake bit into it and he was in heaven. Though a touch salty, the jerky had an unusual spice flavoring that made his mouth water. After two plus days with limited food and massive exertion, he felt he could eat twenty pounds of this. However, the tall man kept the pieces small and, after a little while, put the jerky away. Jake could not contain his disappointment and groaned.

"Don't worry, boy. I'll take you where you will be able to eat your fill." The tall man said. "What's your name?"

"Jake. Jake Thomas."

"Well, Jake Thomas, my name is Dominic, of Sanduas." The man said with a slight nod of the head. "Let me take a look at your injuries."

Dominic examined Jake's face, his rough hands almost gentle as he probed the extent of the damage. When Jake shifted and winced, Dominic asked him about it and Jake told him about his injured ribs. Dominic examined Jake's side and let his hands fall.

"I don't think anything is broken, but you should be seen by a healer. Unfortunately, the nearest ones are a two-day ride away." Dominic said, looking intently at Jake. "I will take you there, but before we leave, tell me how you came to be pursued by the half-men."

"Half-men?" Jake asked, confused, mind fuzzy from exhaustion. "Are you talking about the men chasing me?"

"Yes." Dominic paused, looking thoughtful. "Have you never heard of half-men before?"

"No. I'm not from around here." Jake replied.

Dominic made a waving gesture with his hand, dismissing the question. "It is not important. Tell me how you came to be here."

Jake, tired, but relieved to have someone to talk to, told Dominic his story, starting from his fight after school. Dominic listened quietly, face unreadable.

After Jake had finished, Dominic shook his head and said. "That is quite a tale, boy. When we get to the city, this is something that my friend, Jonas, will need to hear and maybe even be able to understand. Can you ride?"

"A horse?" Jake asked stupidly.

Dominic just stared at Jake. "Of course...I didn't mean for you to ride me."

"I rode a horse at my grandfather's house, but that was years ago."

"No matter. In your condition, I don't think you could stay in the saddle on your own. Rest for a moment." Dominic said as he rose and saddled his horse. He gathered his supplies and packed them away. He slung his saddle bags and came back to Jake. "Can you stand?"

Jake tried to get up, but his legs would not cooperate. After watching him struggle for a bit, Dominic just reached down and picked Jake up. He carried him over to his horse and set Jake into the saddle. He had Jake hold onto the pommel and swung up behind

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