A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,21

ground and could not get back up. A yank on his bonds, pulling his arms up until Jake was sure his shoulders would pop out of their sockets, lifted him to his feet. He took a step and went back down in a heap. A swift kick landed in his bruised ribs, sending new pain to match the throbbing ache of his head. He tried to get back up, but his strength failed him. Another kick in his ribs caused him to cry out in pain. Tears springing from his eyes, he cringed, waiting for more abuse.

"Enough, Surt." Jake heard the leader say, seeing his boots approach through his tear-blurred vision. "I told you he was supposed to be delivered undamaged. Thanks to you, that will not happen. Don't make it worse." He spoke shortly to the rest of the men. "Rest break." The men squatted down, breaking out waterskins and some sort of light brown bread.

The leader squatted down next to Jake and grabbed his hair again, pulling his head off the ground. He looked at Jake with those hard eyes. "The boy is spent. Give him food and water, Surt."

"I'm not a damned nursemaid, Matus. Feed him yourself." Surt said sullenly.

"Surt, you will feed and water him or I will bury you here and now." The leader growled, his gloved hand moving and resting on his swordhilt.

Surt glared at him, weighing defiance, but Matus just coldly stared back at him, waiting. Surt finally looked away. "All right, I'll feed him." He muttered. Laughter broke out from the rest of the men watching the confrontation.

Surt grabbed Jake by the shoulder and roughly pulled him into a sitting position. He took out some bread from his poach and tore off a piece. He jammed it at Jake's mouth and, when Jake opened his mouth to take a bite, he shoved it in, a cruel smile on his lips. Jake began to choke and tried to turn his head, but Surt reached out with his other hand and grabbed Jake by his jaw. Breathing rapidly through his nose, Jake tried to close his mouth against the invasion, but Surt pulled his mouth open and continued to shove the bread in. Sure that he was going to die, Jake began trashing against Surt's hold. Jake heard laughter from the others and Surt grinned in response. Jake, unable to escape, exhausted and battered, was sure that this was the end.

Suddenly, Surt's hand ripped away from Jake's face as Matus kicked him off of Jake. As Surt tried to get to his feet, Matus kicked him again. Surt rolled across the ground and came back to his feet. He reached for his sword, but Matus was quicker. He had his sword out and the point against Surt's throat in an instant.

His hard eyes glittered and his voice was ice-cold as he spoke. "I said feed him, not choke him. Do not make me tell you again, Surt. The Master will not care if I dispose of a worthless dog like you."

Surt glared back, but began to lick his lips. He slowly removed his hand from his sword. Matus stared at him for another moment, then sheathed his sword in a fluid motion and turned and walked back to the tree that he had been resting under. Surt, muttering darkly to himself and trying to ignore the catcalls and name-calling from the others, came back to Jake. He stared pure murder at Jake as he squatted in front of him, but simply held the bread out for Jake to eat.

Jake took as big a bite as he felt safe eating, trying to speed this along and get Surt away from him. The bread was stale, hard and without much flavor, but it was food. Jake finished the bread and Surt held up a waterskin. Jake opened his mouth and Surt poured water into his mouth. The water was warm with a leathery taste, but nothing tasted better to Jake. He gulped down as much of the water as he could while Surt poured. Too soon for Jake, the waterskin was taken away and Surt moved off to eat and rest.

Jake closed his eyes and tried to relax, the sensation having something in his stomach drowning out his pain momentarily. His mind, in spite of his pain and exhaustion, was racing. He had no idea why any of this was happening. He felt as if he had been dropped into some nightmare. All he wanted was

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