A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,167

out behind them. After several tense moments of wandering forward in the dark, their eyes adjusted and they saw the faint glow of light ahead, outlining the passage.

The light became brighter as they got closer to its source, bathing the rough cut walls of the passage in an orange color. The passage turned slightly, then opened up into another passageway that ran perpendicular to the one they were in, this one lit with burning torches. They paused just inside the tunnel, listening for any sign of danger. Saying a quick prayer under his breath, Jonas stuck his head out quickly, looking both ways, then stepped back.

"It is clear for now." He whispered. "There appear to be additional passageways along this corridor. Not knowing the layout of this place, we have to trust our instincts. I believe we should go right, down the corridor, then take the next left, which should take us deeper inside. Be alert and stay focused." The others nodded.

Jonas glanced out again, making sure he could not see or hear anyone, then quietly but rapidly moved down the corridor, the others right behind. They came quickly to another passageway on the left, this one dimly lit with a few torches. They turned down it, not stopping. The passageway was rough-cut and narrow at first, but tall enough they could walk upright. There was a hint of a burnt, slightly sulfuric smell in the air that reminded Jake of used matches. After several minutes, they saw an opening in the wall that indicated another passageway intersecting the one they were in. They were almost to it when several half-men suddenly walked out of it into their passageway.

All froze for a split second, each surprised to see the other. Jonas reacted first, his body suddenly blazing, his aura shining brightly, driving away the darkness. The half-men reached for their swords, but it was already too late. Quick as thought, Jonas sent a brilliant lance of his magic into them, the clerics' fire reducing them to ash, weapons clanging to the ground.

Jonas immediately released his might, the party momentarily blinded by his display. They waited, listening intently for the sounds of approaching feet. They heard nothing, so Jonas motioned them to move ahead. They continued, down the passageway, the smell of sulfur growing stronger.

Several tense minutes later, another opening appeared on the right. Across from it, there was a space where the passageway expanded to the left, but did not go anywhere. In the middle of that expanded space was a large dark hole in the ground. They approached cautiously, trying to move silently. They were almost past it when they all felt the icy chill of the presence of a demon.

Jonas embraced his power, Hailyn and Jake doing the same. The light threw back the shadows, revealing two Imps directly ahead, surrounded in their dark power. Jonas engaged them, his might clashing with theirs, driving them back. Jonas drew more power, his form shining as bright as the sun, attacking again, destroying one, then the other.

From behind, Jake heard something approaching. He spun, launching his own power back down the way they had come. He heard the clash of magics, seeing an Imp staggering, form smoking. He sent a wall of blue fire at it, filling the passageway, driving it back, knocking it down. As it struggled to get up, Jake sent a final burst into it and it exploded into ash.

Hailyn, scanning for more enemies, had turned back towards Jake. She saw him give her a tight smile as he came forward, his magic glowing a dazzling blue. Before either of them could react, an Imp came leaping out of the adjoining passageway, arms outstretched for him. She watched in horror as the Imp's claws scraped along Jake's breastplate, sparks flying, but did not do any damage. The impact as the Imp hit him drove him back. Behind it, more half-men and Imps came flooding into the passageway. She called out to Jonas, sending her might into the press of half-men and demons, while watching Jake struggle.

Too late, she realized he was heading for the dark hole in the floor. The Imp was tangled up with him, a high-pitched whine coming from it as it was being burned by his magic. She saw that he tried to regain his footing when he teetered for a moment on the edge of that pit, still tied up with the demon, and then he was gone.


Jake and the demon fell into

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