A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,162


"As I told you before, Dom had risen quickly in the ranks, becoming the youngest commander ever of the Royal Guards and the Army. He was a favorite of the nobles and people alike. I mentioned that he was pursued by the ladies of the city, but he never showed any interest in marrying, much to my wife's dismay. Soldiering was his life."

"That was until, around sixteen years ago, the royal princess from Aletonia and her retainers came to Sanduas to discuss border issues. Dom was responsible for their security during this visit. He worked closely with the Aletonian princess' staff, making sure that everything was in order. During this visit, Dom met the woman that he would marry."

"The princess?!" Jake exclaimed. "He married the princess?"

"No, Jake." Jonas said, chuckling. "The princess was already married. It was one of her maids, Elidona. She was a beauty, tall and slender, with raven-black hair and beautiful dark eyes, her darker skin making her beauty even more exotic. She was also one of the sweetest and kindest women I have ever known. They apparently would meet each other after the sessions, going for rides and talking. Their feelings towards each other grew very strong, very quickly."

He shook his head, a slight smile on his face. "Dominic then did the most impulsive thing I have ever seen him do. Late one evening, he came to my house and roused me and Marlis, my wife, out of bed. He took us to the Temple, where only then did we find out that he was getting married to Elidona. While a bit put out by the sudden, late-night ceremony, Marlis was overjoyed to see him safely married off, but we did not consider the ramifications of that act."

"Once it was found out, it caused an uproar amongst the nobles. While the king and the Aletonian princess publicly blessed the union, many at court were against it. Here was Dominic, the Commander and a knight, marrying a foreigner. When he learned of this, in open court, Dom challenged some of the most vocal critics to duels, claiming his honor was being tainted, but they wisely refused. This did make him enemies at court, constantly trying to undermine him."

"Frustrated with court life, he went to the king to offer his resignation. When the Royal Guard and army officers found out, they came to the king as well, telling him that they would also resign and follow Dom. To make matters worse, rumors had spread in the city that Dom was to be exiled because of his wife. The people came out into the courtyard around the palace in protest."

"To settle things down, Dominic and the king went out together to address the gathered crowd, smiling and reassuring them of his continued position." He smiled at the memories. "Dom hated politics. Give him an enemy he could fight openly, he always said."

"Over time, the controversy faded." Jonas continued. "As you know, he and Elidona established their home outside of the city. Eli, as we called her, had grown up in a small town on an open plain and was not comfortable in the confines of the city."

"He could not refuse her anything. Despite the increased danger, they built their home near the foothills of the Gray Ridges." Jonas sighed, eyes distant. "Soon after, they had their son, Jaimor. He was a precious child, always smiling and happy. Marlis and I were his aunt and uncle and Dominic doted on him. He was just three years old when tragedy struck."

"As you know, Dom was called away to face an army of half-men and demons. I was there at that battle, still serving with the army. We were engaged with them when a rider came up to Dom. He was told that a small group had broken away from the main force and were headed toward his home."

Jonas shook his head sadly. "Before anyone could react, Dom was on his horse and riding away. I saw him ride by, a look of terror on his face, such a look as I had never seen before or since. Knowing something was very wrong, I was released to go after him. I rode as hard as I could, but I could not catch him."

"As I got close to his home, I could see the smoke rising. When I arrived, I found the house burning. I went around back and saw Dom, who was caught off-guard and overwhelmed when he arrived, being held by

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