A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,143

and uneven. Only the floor looked like it had been worked, level and smoother than the rest of the cave. What was not natural was the faint ball of light that hung at the top of the cave and the wall of light, the same color as the door, which filled the back wall of the cave.

As Jake stood there, the wall suddenly vanished, leaving the ball of light and Jake's own form as the only sources of light. Where the wall had been, Jake could make out the outline of a shadowy alcove in the cave wall, the alcove itself black as the cave light did not reach it. Jake felt the cold grip of fear as he looked at that dark opening.

"So, he expects you to be my executioner, does he?" An inhuman voice spoke from the darkness. Jake watched disbelieving as an Imp came out into the light. It was dressed in a cowled robe, the cowl thrown back, revealing its scaly face. Its clawed hands flexed as it moved closer towards Jake. "You will find that I am not easy meat, boy. I have existed since before the creation of your puny world."

"Stay back." Jake said, involuntary stepping back, as he drew more of his power in, sweat suddenly running down his spine. He tried to recall his lessons, but his mind seemed frozen. The Imp took a few more steps, as if to signal that Jake's warning had no effect on it, then stopped.

"You don't need to die like this, boy." The demon called Rigil said, voice taking on a compelling tone, as it grinned, sharp teeth reflecting the light. "You do not realize the power you could wield if you came to us. You will have position and wealth. You can have any female you desire. All you have to do is agree to serve us."

"I don't believe you." Jake said nervously, trying to reach the calm that Dominic had been teaching him. He could not shake off the fear. "I have seen what you and your followers do."

"You mean the city?" The demon asked, its eyes pits of darkness. "That was just because we had no other way to reach you." It paused, then spoke again, its cold voice soft. "Listen, boy, you should not believe the stories that you are told. We are not what you have been led to believe."

Rigil's voice became smooth, though still inhuman. "We did not defy the Creator. We were exiled because we opposed some of our brothers when they sought to convince the Creator to reverse His original plan for us to rule over the worlds created, with man to serve us. They are the ones who poisoned Him against us, claiming a non-existent rebellion. It was their jealousy that caused us to be sent out from His Light. We only seek to claim what was our birthright."

Jake, keeping his eyes on the demon, watching for any movement, shook his head. "I think you are making that up. I'm not that stupid." He said softly, but defiantly.

The Imp's lips curled into a snarl and its form was suddenly surrounded by its dark power. "You are stupid, boy, if you think you can defy me. Whatever you think you have been taught about power, I will show you that it was not enough." A bolt of fiery darkness leapt from its hands towards Jake, crashing into his hastily raised shield of power. The clash of conflicting magics echoed off of the cave walls, reverberating and magnifying.

Jake, staggering back from the impact, found himself suddenly calm, as if a blanket was placed over his fear. He launched a counter-attack, a brilliant beam of blue fire striking the demon, forcing it back a step. The demon's power blocked most of the attack, shielding it, though its form steamed.

Jake, remembering Dominic's instruction on the advantage of movement, started to slide to his side, trying to be a moving target, defending as the demon attacked. He was able to block the attacks while continuing to launch his own. The cave seemed to shudder as the air was suddenly full of conflicting dark and blue fire, the noise from the colliding powers drowning out all other sounds, the light blinding.

As Jake was closing with it, pressing an attack, the demon changed its tactics. It suddenly moved, leaping to its side, then launching itself back at Jake, claws extended. Jake, taken by surprise, threw himself back.

He was too late as the demon's claws

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