A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,140

on areas around the knee.

"Well, you may have done some serious damage." Dominic said, shaking his head. "If we were at Sanduas, I would have Jonas or the girl look at it."

"Tomaris can help, Dominic." Deepwood said, as he came over. He helped Dominic take Jake to a nearby bench and sent a soldier to get Tomaris.

The soldiers were still standing around the training area when Deepwood asked Dominic if he would like a sparring session while they waited. Dominic asked who he wanted to be his sparring partner, glancing at the soldiers, but Deepwood said. "I would be honored, if you are willing."

Dominic simply nodded and the two men entered the ring. The soldiers realized what was happening and began to gather around the edge. Jake, still grasping his leg, had a clear view of the training ring from his bench.

Dominic and Deepwood squared off in the middle of the ring. There was a moment of stillness, then with a flurry of metal, they came together. Jake, pain suddenly forgotten, watched in amazement. Their swords were blurs as they traded blows, the ringing of the metal sounding out in the sudden silence. They seemed to dance as they moved, swords clashing. Then, abruptly, they parted, Deepwood indicating he had been hit. Jake did not even see it happen.

They took up positions again, then started. As before, Jake was having trouble following the blows when they parted again, this time Dominic indicating a hit. While the soldiers watching suddenly cheered for their captain, Jake was stunned. He was used to Dominic's seeming invincibility.

The two men continued for five rounds, neither saying a word. When they broke for the last time and saluted each other with their swords, the final tally was Dominic with three scores to Deepwood's two. Deepwood sent his soldiers back to their duties while Dominic came back over to Jake.

"I can't believe it was that close." Jake said quietly as Dominic sat down next to him.

"Why do you say that?" Dominic asked, an eyebrow going up.

"I have seen you take out eight half-men by yourself." Jake replied, incredulous. "I just thought that there was no one that could touch you one-on-one."

Dominic laughed, the first full laugh Jake had heard from him. "I appreciate your confidence in my skills, but I didn't get all these scars because I felt like it. There is always someone better than you, boy; never forget that. As I said before, it is the will to survive that wins in combat."

He continued. "Also, Moshanna is very good. He is fast, strong and does not make the same mistake twice. His soldiers are lucky to have such a commander."

Jake sat there quietly, while Dominic stood and went over to talk with Deepwood. With all of the excitement done, the pain in his knee started to bother him again. He was holding his knee, looking out over the field, trying to distract himself from the pain, when Tomaris appeared.

"I hear that you have had an injury, Jake." He said as he knelt down to take Jake's knee in his hands. A look of concentration came over his face, then Jake felt the pain just fade away, nothing at all like when the clerics healed him. Tomaris smiled and stood.

"Stand up and see how it feels." Tomaris told Jake.

Jake stood, no pain at all. He jogged in place, then did some kicks, the knee feeling fine.

"How did you do that?" Jake asked incredulously.

Tomaris just smiled and said. "I will see you at our session." He turned and went back inside the Keep.


Keria was finishing her letter, sealing it with the royal seal, when Nataly came into her bedroom. "Forgive me, Highness, but Marcus is here for you."

Keria sighed, then stood. She handed the letter to Nataly. "Please ensure that the messenger gets this before he leaves." Nataly gave a quick curtsy, then followed Keria into the waiting area.

As she entered, she saw Marcus standing there, waiting impatiently. She did feel a slight flush as she looked at him, handsome as always. He had made his intentions towards her clear. Unfortunately for him, her father would not approve of his courtship.

"Good afternoon, Marcus." She said pleasantly, smiling at him. "Why the sudden visit?"

"I have heard about your trip." He replied, giving her a short bow. "You must speak to the king. I want the honor of escorting you to the wedding."

"I will ask my father, but how did you find out?" She asked. The trip was supposed

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