A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,133

down a hall where Jake smelled bread and other food being cooked. They entered a mess hall with soldiers sitting and eating. They sat down at a table and food was brought out for them. They finished breakfast quickly, Jake eating in silence while Deepwood and Dominic talked about their training requirements.

After breakfast, they went out back outside and Deepwood took them over to a small training circle, surrounded by short posts and rope. "I hope that this will meet your needs?" He asked Dominic.

"This is fine, Moshanna." Dominic said.

Deepwood left and went into another building. After several minutes, he came back out with a couple of training swords and headgear. Dominic tested the practice swords, apparently satisfied, but dismissed the headgear. "I try not to bash him in the head too much." He said with a shrug.

"Do you mind if I observe, Dominic?" Deepwood asked.

"Of course not." Dominic replied. He unbelted his sword and turned to Jake. "Let's see what you remember since you have had several days off."

The morning flew by as Jake threw himself into the training. Before he knew it, Jake was following an older female servant to Tomaris' study. He rubbed his sore arms and hands as he climbed the stairs and followed the servant into the room. The round room was lined with wooden shelves filled with scrolls and books, except for a small stone fireplace set into the wall. There was a small table in the middle with a couple of chairs and a large window that opened out towards the courtyard. Tomaris was sitting at the table when Jake entered.

"Thank you, Learthe." He said to the servant. "Please have some food brought up for Jake." With a slight bow, the woman left.

"How was your morning training, Jake?" Tomaris asked, looking meaningfully at Jake's arms.

"Normal, by Dominic's standards." Jake replied with a short laugh.

"Well, you will find that the training here not as physically challenging as that." Tomaris said with a smile. He gestured to the other chair. "Please sit. I'm an old man and find it easier to talk while sitting. While we wait for your food, perhaps we can discuss what happened again when you first used the power."

Jake and Tomaris discussed the fight in the woods, going over it several times. While they were talking, Learthe returned with a plate of food, along with a pitcher of water and two cups. Tomaris had Jake eat while he sat there quietly, apparently mulling over what he heard.

When Jake was finished and the plate cleared away, Tomaris stood and came over to Jake. "I would like to touch your forehead for a moment, Jake." He said, then laid his hand on Jake, closing his eyes.

To Jake, his hand almost felt like it was made of dry paper, except that it was very warm. A tingling sensation spread out from his forehead to the rest of his body. They were like that, motionless, for several minutes. Finally, the tingling faded and Tomaris opened his eyes and sat back down.

"I felt what Jonas described, the change in you." Tomaris said. "That happened when you accessed the power for the first time. We just need to find out how you called it up." He shifted slightly. "I want to close your eyes, Jake, and think back to right before the power woke. Describe again what happened."

Jake complied, recalling the face of the half-man appearing as it had when they fought. He mentioned his anger and fear of what would happen to Cherise if he failed.

"Strong emotions can often be a trigger." Tomaris said. His voice took on a soothing and reassuring tone. "Recall the sensations just as the power came forth. Try to duplicate those in your mind. Act as if they are occurring again."

Jake recalled that burning sensation that started in his chest. He tried to imagine it happening again, striving to will it to happen.

"Just relax, Jake." Tomaris said, voice soft and almost hypnotic. "Let it come as it will."

Jake tried to follow those instructions. He took a deep breath, slowly releasing it, letting his body relax. He sat there quietly, focused on recreating what happened. He recalled Cherise and her battered face, the certain knowledge that if he fell, she would suffer a worse fate. As he drifted along those thoughts, he re-felt the anger of that night and was startled to feel a slight tingling spread across his body.

"Open your eyes, Jake." Tomaris said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

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