A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,121

don't we take a walk?" He said, moving to the yard. Jake fell in beside Jonas as they slowly walked across the yard.

"I wanted to talk with you about what happened last night." Jonas began, voice quiet. "Hailyn spoke with me about it when you returned, as well as Dominic this morning, but why don't you tell me what you remember."

Jake recounted everything that happened after he and Hailyn left the singer. He ended at the flash of light. "I still don't know what that was. One second, I was fighting the half-man; the next, I was looking up at Hailyn."

They had reached a bench and Jonas had Jake sit down. "Before I say more, let me examine you." Jonas said. He laid a hand on Jake's forehead, closed his eyes and his power flared to life. Jake felt the familiar warmth spread as Jonas worked his might. Jake saw a slight contraction of Jonas' eyebrows, a subtle scrunching, but that was all. For nearly a minute, Jonas stood there like that, power pulsing. His power suddenly winked out and he opened his eyes and spoke.

"You are as I expected; healthy, but with a slight change." Jonas said, then sat next to Jake. "Jake, this may be hard for you to believe, but that flash of light was generated by you."

"Me?!" Jake exclaimed.

"Dominic and Hailyn saw a blue nimbus of power suddenly surround you, then explode out and destroy the half-men." Jonas said gently. "This power sounded similar to what you had described in the dream that troubled you so."

"When you tested me before, you said I didn't have the ability to wield the cleric's power." Jake said, disbelieving. "So, how could I do that?"

"The power described is not the power used by clerics, Jake." Jonas replied. He shook his head. "There is something there now, similar to the cleric's spark, but different. I thought I had detected something when I previously tested you, but it was so faint that I could not be sure I had actually felt it."

"So, what does that mean for me?" Jake asked, shaken by the revelation. "Can you help me?"

"First, I don't believe that this power is in anyway harmful to you. You are as healthy as before." Jonas said, eyes sympathetic. "Honestly, I'm actually relieved. Clearly, it is proof against the half-men, so I have to assume it will help protect you from the demons, as well."

"However, I'm not sure that I would be the best teacher for this, Jake." Jonas continued. "This power is not the power I know."

"So what are you suggesting I do?" Jake asked.

"For now, nothing. Relax and enjoy the day off." Jonas replied, patting Jake on the shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face. "I have to go to the palace this morning to discuss the attack with the king. After that, I will go check on Dominic and discuss with him your next steps."

Jonas stood. "I know that it is hard to accept this information, maybe even a bit frightening." He said, voice warm and comforting. "Have faith in the goodness of the One. He has designed our lives in such a way that we face these changes and challenges, Jake. Remember that He has also given us the abilities and strength to meet them." He started for the gate, then turned back. "In all the ways that count, you are still the same person you were yesterday."

Jake watched as Jonas left, still trying to wrap his mind around what he had just been told. He sat on the steps for a while, lost in thought. When his stomach growled, he broke out of his reflections and went inside to get some food.

Inside the kitchen, several of the ladies of the neighborhood were preparing food. They greeted him warmly and before he knew it, he was sitting at the table, working on a plate full of food while the ladies waited on him. After eating his fill, they laughed off his attempt to help with the dishes. They suggested that he go see Cherise.

Jake made his way to her room and stepped inside the doorway curtain. Jake was startled when Maxis sprang to his feet from his spot at the foot of the bed, teeth bared, a low growl in his throat, but quieted and laid back down when he realized who it was. Jake saw Norlan and Madalin sitting with Cherise on her bed, holding her and talking quietly. He stopped just inside the room as

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