A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,118

"Even though she apparently missed your lesson that clerics should never heal those who don't want it." Hailyn flushed and looked at the ground.

"I will make sure she gets that lesson, Dom." Jonas replied, forcing himself to keep a straight face.

"We should get Cherise home." Dominic said, motioning for Jake to follow. "I'm sure that Norlan and Madalin are consumed with worry."

"Master." Hailyn said, looking up at Jonas. "Perhaps you should see to Jake. I think..."

"It can wait until tomorrow." Dominic interrupted, sharing a look with Jonas that asked for his trust.

"Until tomorrow, then." Jonas said, giving Dominic a slight nod. Dominic nodded back, then led Jake and Cherise away.

Jonas went over to Hailyn, affectionately putting an arm across her shoulders as they walked back to the Temple. "How did you manage to heal Dom?" He asked, a broad smile on his face. "I have not been able to do that for more years that I care to remember."

"I'm sorry to say that it took guile and deceit, Master." Hailyn replied, sharing a brief smile with Jonas. Her smile faded. "Master, I need to tell you about what happen to Jake tonight."

As she began to tell him, Jonas' smile faded as well.


When they finally arrived home, the neighborhood had quieted down, though there was still a small crowd at the house. Jake saw that several of the neighbors were holding clubs or other weapons, standing guard at the gate. He also noticed that the bodies of the half-men had been removed from the yard. A murmur spread when they saw Dominic ride up, as well as Jake and Cherise. One person ran into the house as they halted the horses.

Dominic got off of Shadow, tying the reins on the fence, then took Jake's and tied off Dontas as well. Jake slid out of the saddle, then helped Cherise down. She clung to his arm as they headed to the gate.

The front door opened and Madalin came running out, Norlan right behind her. Cherise saw her mother, released Jake's arm and ran towards her, crying again. Madalin wrapped her into her arms, holding her tight, as tears flowed from her eyes as well. Norlan came up and wrapped them both in an embrace.

Jake had stopped when Cherise ran, his throat tight. He was overjoyed that they were reunited, but also felt guilty as he looked at them. This all happened because of him. He did not know what to do or say.

As he wrestled with his emotions, watching the reunion, he felt Dominic's hand on his shoulder. "You did a good and brave thing tonight, boy." Dominic said softly. "Learn to enjoy your victories, because you never know which will be your last."

Dominic's praise took him by surprise, cutting through his emotions. Before he could react, however, Madalin slipped out of the family embrace and ran over to him. She reached up and took his face into her hands, looking at him for a moment, concern on her face.

"Are you ok?" She asked. When he nodded, she pulled him into a tight hug. She kissed him on the cheek and said softly. "Thank you, Jake. Thank you." She kept repeating it as she held him.

After a while, she released him, stepping back, her hands on his face. She looked over his shoulder and went over and embraced Dominic, holding him tight and thanking him as well. Jake watched as Dominic, looking slightly uncomfortable, let her hug him for moment, then gently pushed her back. "There is nothing to thank me for, Madalin. The boy rescued Cherise."

"I'm thanking you for protecting Jake, you big idiot." Madalin said fondly, tears in her eyes. She turned and walked back to her family. Norlan had her take Cherise into the house, then came over to Jake and Dominic.

Before Jake could say anything, Norlan reached out and pulled him into a hug. Jake could feel Norlan strength as he wrapped his arms around him, holding tight. After a few seconds, Norlan broke the hug and stepped back, hands on Jake's shoulders.

"I cannot begin to repay you for rescuing Cherise, Jake." Norlan said, voice thick with emotion. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Norlan, but none of this would have happened if you hadn't taken me in." Jake said, looking at the ground. "Maybe I should have Dominic find a place for me to stay near the training area, so you and the family will be safe."

"Look at me, Jake." Norlan said, voice now angry, hands gripping

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