Working Out West - Lila Rose Page 0,5

alone. His security stayed on the main floor and hadn’t even patted me down before I got on the elevator with my basket of baked goods.

I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to make some muffins for Adrik, but I just did it when the thought dropped into my mind. Now I felt like I was Little Red Riding Hood heading into the woods where I knew the wolf would be waiting.

I’d been surprised when Country had told me Adrik had booked me in for every second weekend. Shocked, but also pleased. It meant I didn’t fuck up. It meant he didn’t mind my rambling. It also meant he liked my company. Knowing that blasted my stomach with those swirly flying bugs that I couldn’t think of the name of. My mind and eyes were too focused on the doors right in front of me as a ding sounded before they slid open slowly.

I expected Adrik to be waiting, but he wasn’t. Then I heard sounds coming from the kitchen, so I made my way through his house and called, “Adrik?”

“Da, kitchen,” he said gruffly back. A shiver ran over my body at his voice, and my dick gave off a small throb. He’d be disappointed when he realized he wasn’t getting any action.

And why I was talking about my dick like it had its own mind, I didn’t know. Though sometimes he did have his own mind—like the constant hardness he got when I imagined Adrik while alone in my apartment. However, I refused to masturbate over the thought of him. I had to remind myself repeatedly that this was work and Adrik was a client.

Even though it was late again, I could smell something cooking. Didn’t Adrik eat dinner at a normal hour? I gripped the basket in front of me and walked into the kitchen to see Adrik standing at the stove with his back to me, stirring something.

A man in the kitchen cooking for you was sexy.

Scratch that. A hot man in the kitchen cooking for you was beyond sexy.

His broad shoulders tapered down to a slim waist, and all of it was covered in another tee. Did this one have a band on it? I’d googled his last one, and it was a rock band from Russia.

“Hi,” I called.

Adrik glanced over his shoulder. His eyes slowly grazed over me, and I had the sudden urge to thrust my hips out while my dick shouted, “Look at me. Pay me attention, dammit.”

“Jeans,” he commented before turning back to the pot.

“Yes.” I stepped further in and placed the basket of muffins on the counter. “You said I didn’t have to wear a suit, right?” After all, he was in jeans as well. Slightly darker than mine.

“Da.” He faced me and eyed the basket, tilting his head to the side before he nodded at it. “What is it?”

“Chocolate muffins. I told you I liked to bake, and I love chocolate muffins. They’re my favorite. Maybe it’s because my mom never used to make sweet things when I was young, and now that I can, I like to treat myself to these every week. I mean, they’ll never be the best in the world, but I think I do all right.” I leaned in as if I was about to tell him a secret. “I like to add chocolate sauce to the mix to make them extra gooey.” I hummed under my breath. “Then again, not everyone likes gooey like I do.” I shrugged. “We’ll see if you like them, but after dinner, which smells amazing again. What is it?”

Why did his stare make my blood boil, but in a good way? I felt like a damn teenager with a crush, especially since none of my other clients had brought such a reaction out of me.

Then again, none of them had appealed to me like Adrik did. And I wouldn’t say my other clients had been bad-looking either. One was a veterinarian, another a graphic designer, and the other was a lawyer. They weren’t old or boring. I had fun with them, but I didn’t get fluttery when around them. The nerves were still there, but nothing like I had when I knew I was going back to Adrik’s.

Why was he different?

Why couldn’t I get him off my mind?

It had to be the accent. It had to be. There was no other reason. He hardly spoke to me. He was gruff, almost looked like he could kill with Copyright 2016 - 2024