Work In Progress (Red Lipstick Coalition #3) - Staci Hart Page 0,14

voice first. Val’s gaze shifted to a spot behind me, her eyes eager as a puppy at a barbecue. And then I heard Court, followed by a smooch.

“Hey,” Sam said, pulling off his jacket and hanging it next to the door. He glided into the room, his eyes locked on Val’s as he approached. The second he was in arm’s length, he scooped her up for a kiss, her paella spoon in hand.

I sighed with a schmoopy smile on my face as he broke the kiss and set her to rights.

“Smells delicious,” he said, grabbing a spoon to dip into the pan.

But she popped his hand, laughing. “Get outta there, you.”

He smirked. “Can’t. Won’t.” And he kissed her nose, distracting her so he could lift a spoonful when she wasn’t looking.

She rolled her eyes. “I hope you burn your mouth.”

The way he was chewing, I had a feeling her wish came true.

Rin took her seat next to me again, and Court stood behind her, smiling.

They were all too much. Especially seeing Court so gooey. The man was about as light and easy as a Brontë novel. Which was to say, not at all.

I looked over both couples, considering how they’d come about. And I daydreamed for a moment as they conversed around me that I’d find someone someday, too. That somehow I’d meet a man who would see all the things I thought were faults and love every one of them until I did, too. Just like Rin and Val had.

Of course, I’d have to leave the house for that to happen.

And with a small, resigned smile, I submitted to my fate as a spinster.

Absolutely Ridiculous


“What the fuck are you doing?”

Theo stood in the entrance of my living room, brows drawn and arms folded across his chest.

I fluffed the pillow in my hand and set it in the corner of the couch. “Making sausage. What the fuck does it look like I’m doing?” I spotted a rogue sock peeking out from under the coffee table and kicked it under the couch. “My housekeeper doesn’t come until tomorrow. This place is a mess.” I stopped, lifting my nose. I sniffed. “Does it smell weird in here to you?”

Theo rolled his eyes. “Seriously, what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” I said, moving for the bookshelf where a candle sat. I stuck the tip of my nose in the opening and sniffed again with a shrug.

“You’re lighting a candle.”

“Well, it smells like a shoe in here.” I opened a drawer in my desk, looking for a lighter.

“It smells like it always does.” The flick of flint sounded before the lighter appeared in my periphery.

I tilted the candle, meeting the flame to the wick. “How come you never told me I lived in a pigsty?”

“You never asked.” He returned the lighter to his slacks pocket, leaving his hand there. He eyed me with suspicion.

“What time is it?” I asked as I set the candle on the sideboard.

“She’ll be here any second. What are you so nervous about?”

I laughed. “I’m not nervous.”

“Right. I know how into candles you are. Maybe you should throw a Scentsy party.”

My face quirked. “A what?”

He sighed. “Never mind.”

I huffed, moving to the couch. “I don’t know, man,” I said as I sat, reaching for the manuscripts I’d printed up for her so I could organize them. Again. “She judges me for a living.” I noticed a film of dust on the glass top of the coffee table and frowned, swiping at it. A streak the size of my hand graced the top, and I swore, storming into the kitchen to rummage around under the sink for something to clean it with.

Theo sighed when I came back with some wipe things I’d found. “That’ll streak.” He headed to the kitchen and came back with glass cleaner and a paper towel. “She might judge your writing, but she’s not going to be judging your housekeeping. She probably won’t even notice.”

“Easy for you to say. Nobody trips on dildos or C-rings at your place.”

He made a face at me, pausing mid-swipe. “Dude. I live with Ma.”

The doorbell rang, and I perked up, smiling as I headed to the door. I paused in front of the hall mirror for a split second to smooth a hand over my hair and check my teeth before trotting the rest of the way.

I’d say I hadn’t thought about her once, not at all, not even for a second, but that would be a lie. And I only lied Copyright 2016 - 2024