Work In Progress (Red Lipstick Coalition #3) - Staci Hart Page 0,113

love, even your hope. But you…you are everything they aren’t. You are love, and you’ve shown me that love’s not only possible. It’s real.”

My hands moved to her face, to hold her small jaw, to look into her shining eyes and say the words of my heart with lips that would only speak the truth.

“I love you, Amelia,” I whispered in the quiet room. “I love you with all of me, from the depths of my heart, with fierceness I didn’t know I possessed. I love you, Amelia. And I hope someday, you’ll love me, too.”

Her breath shuddered, her small hands on my chest. “But I already do.”

My heart flung itself at her palm. “Do you?”

“I love you,” she said. And those three little words shifted the total of my world into her hands.

I couldn’t speak. There were no words to explain. No air in my lungs. But my heart was full, stretching and aching and unable to hold everything I felt.

So I kissed her and told her without the limitation of words. I showed her instead.

And I’d keep showing her as long as she let me.

Our bodies twisted together, the kiss deep and honest and bare. I bent to pick her up, cradling her in my arms, hers hooked around my neck as I walked us to her room.

When I set her down at the foot of her bed, she looked up at me, smiling. And when she looked at me like that, all I wanted to do was kiss her.

Instead, I smirked, settling for a kiss on her nose.

“Wait right here,” I commanded.

Her brow flickered with uncertainty, but she said, “All right.”

I rushed out of her room, and the second I was through her doorway and on my way to my room, a flash of fear tore through my chest.

I’d been dreading this moment almost as much as I’d been dreaming of it. There was no way I wasn’t going to hurt her when I took what she was offering.

For women, sex with me wasn’t always easy. It required patience, foreplay, and lube, and even then, plenty of normal-sized girls couldn’t take it.

And Amelia was tiny. She was tiny everywhere.

I’d never had sex with a virgin, not even my first time, and as such, I had no small amount of anxiety about it happening with Amelia. We’d moved at her pace, but I knew as well as anyone that we’d eventually move in that direction. I could tell by the way her body responded to mine, in the hungry way her hips would move. I would have waited forever for her. But I’d prepared myself, knowing this would be so difficult for her. I didn’t want to hurt her, not in any way.

In this case, I was afraid it was unavoidable.

All I could do was make it as painless as possible, and I’d prepared myself with Boy Scout thoroughness.

I opened my closet, reached for the box I’d stowed there, and headed back to her with my plan in hand and my heart chugging in my ribs.

She stood next to the bed with her back to me, her fingers buried in her hair as she pulled out bobby pins one by one. I set the box on the bed and moved for her.

She startled when I cupped her hip, chuckling softly.

“Can I?” I asked.

She glanced back at me, smiling. “Of course.”

I slipped my fingers into her hair, searching for the pins. We were silent, lost comfortably in our thoughts. And with every clink of a pin against its mates on her nightstand, her golden hair fell, lock by lock, down her back.

When it was down, I reached into her hair to knead her scalp. As much metal as I’d pulled out of her hair, I figured she needed it.

I was rewarded with a long, happy sigh.

I kissed the back of her head. “Come here. I want to show you something.”

She turned, her eyes finding the box on the bed. She climbed onto the mattress to sit in front of it. “What’s this?” she asked.

“Well,” I started, suddenly unsure how to explain. I paused. “Amelia, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her face softened. “I know.”

“When we started getting serious, I…I started worrying. About this. I’ve never…done this before.”

One of her brows rose with her smile.

“I mean, I’ve done this, but I’ve never done…virgin this.”

“Oh,” she said, her cheeks flushing.

“So I got some stuff I think will help make it easier,” I said, opening the box.

She leaned in to peer inside.

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