The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,66

long. I had to get out the instruction book.”

“I wish I was there to put that swing together for you.

What about Samuel?”

“Ach, he offered, but I was sure it would be no problem.”

She sighed as she eased onto the couch and curled her feet beneath her. She pulled a small afghan onto her lap. “I’ll finish it tomorrow.”

From there, she and Eli settled into a comfortable conversation. He told her that he was not going to Indiana because of the weather, and had decided to go to Florida instead, but not until after Christmas. Katie Ann told him more about the pot holders she’d been quilting and a cookbook she was putting together.

“It keeps me busy late at night if I can’t sleep.” She leaned her head back against the couch, tired but knowing sleep wouldn’t come anytime soon, and she would rather talk with Eli than sleep anyway. She smiled as she thought about what Lillian and Martha would think if they knew she was casually chatting on the phone with Eli.

“I have a hard time sleeping too.” He paused. “I never used to have trouble sleeping. Do you think it’s because we’re getting old?” He chuckled.

“Ya. I guess so.” Katie Ann pulled the phone from her ear for a moment, making sure it was still lit up. “How long will this battery last?”

“It should last a couple of days.”

Katie Ann smiled.

And she spent the next several hours on the phone with Eli, discussing everything from his Florida plans to her desire to someday sell her handmade goods. Eli encouraged her and told her that she could do anything she wanted to do. Ivan had said that her efforts would produce little income and she’d be wasting her time. But finishing a handmade pot holder or throw quilt gave her a sense of satisfaction, like she was being fruitful. And she was building up quite a collection. It might not ever amount to much, but it made her happy, and Eli’s encouragement warmed her heart.

She didn’t think she’d ever enjoyed a conversation more than this one, and during the weeks to follow, their phone calls became a nightly thing. Every couple of days she would charge the phone at Martha’s house, even if it meant taking a few minutes of ribbing from her friend. Katie Ann found herself sharing even the smallest details about her day. And when Jake and Laura Jane’s baby was born—Eli’s seventh grandchild— Eli called her from the hospital, more excited than ever about the new blessing.

He truly was her best friend, and while she knew friends had the capacity to hurt one another, there was something safe about her relationship with Eli. And every time she fantasized about something more than friendship with him, she forced the idea away because she realized that God was answering her prayers—in His way.

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

Katie Ann asked God to forgive her for doubting Him and for the distance she’d put between them. She sought to trust again, and the Lord had opened a new door. It might not have been what she expected, but her friendship with Eli was proving to be a gift from God.

WHEN ELI SHOWED up on her doorstep two days before Christmas, Katie Ann jumped into his arms without hesitation.

“What are you doing here?” She pulled from the embrace and coaxed him inside and out of the icy weather. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

Eli’s smile stretched across his handsome face. “Because I just decided to come this morning—I flew! Besides, it was worth it to see you so surprised.”

Katie Ann laughed aloud. “I can’t believe you did this.”

She’d already mailed him a hand-stitched black vest for Christmas, which he had received and told her fit perfectly.

He’d sent her a parenting book that focused on the toddler years, later laughing and telling her to be prepared—that it was a wonderful time but could be challenging. And he’d sent a Bible storybook for Jonas.

Eli moved across the living room to where Jonas was tucked into his swing and sleeping soundly. “I had one of those swings for Maureen. She loved it.” He gazed down at Jonas, then back at Katie Ann. “I have to go back tomorrow. Mei kinner would be mighty upset if I wasn’t there for Christmas. But I just had to see you.” He pulled her into a hug and kissed her Copyright 2016 - 2024