The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,39


What he needed was a quick cure for fear of heights.

Thankfully, his oldest son didn’t suffer from the same affliction, and from the time Jake was ten years old, Eli had given him all the chores that required climbing, especially on the roof. Jake loved being the one to clean the gutters. It practically made Eli break out in hives.

But here he was. And up the ladder he would go. For Katie Ann.

“See you shortly.”

Eli propped the ladder against the house and thanked the Lord that it was only a one-story home. He eased up the steps and prayed that he could make any repairs from the ladder, without actually crawling onto the roof. Two rungs from the top, and he could already feel his legs shaking. He scanned the area and saw the loose shingles. Shaking his head, he took one more step up and realized that he was going to have to climb up on top of the roof to be able to get to the problem area. Most of the snow had melted from the afternoon sun. He slung Elam’s box full of tools onto the roof, along with a few shingles he had tucked under his arm.

As luck would have it, the shingles slid right off the roof. He started his descent back down the ladder, sighing. This had better be the best stew I ever had.

KATIE ANN TOOK a bite of stew, closed her eyes, and savored the taste of the seasoned beef, carrots, and potatoes. “I wish you were old enough to try this, Jonas.” She took another sampling before putting the lid back on the pot.

She pulled a loaf of bread from the oven and began to set the table with chow-chow, butter, and several jars of jam. She couldn’t stop thinking about Martha and wished her friend would join them for supper.

Sunshine poured through her window in the kitchen and bounced off her shiny wood floors that she’d cleaned earlier in the day. She could still smell a hint of ammonia, but mostly she smelled stew and burning cedar in the fireplace. Everything was ready, so she picked up Jonas and laid him in the playpen in the living room so she could keep an eye on him while she and Eli ate. She expected him to fall asleep soon since she’d just nursed him.

She could see the ladder propped up against the house from her window in the living room, and while she’d been cooking, she’d heard activity on the roof. As she walked closer to the window, she looked up and saw Eli working, so she went back to the kitchen. She’d just set the table with her best china and laid out napkins when she heard a thud. Followed by a groan. Gasping, she feared the worst as she ran through the living room and bolted out the door.

Sure enough, Eli was sprawled out on his back in the snow, and he wasn’t moving. Katie Ann got to him as fast as she could and leaned down over him as her heart beat out of her chest.

He crinkled his forehead and slowly opened his eyes.

“Ach, thank goodness you’re not dead.” Katie Ann cringed as she realized what she’d said.

“Ya. Thank goodness.” Eli laughed but quickly moaned, closing his eyes again.

“Should I go call for help?” She touched his shoulder but pulled back when he clamped his eyes closed and groaned again. “How badly are you hurt?”

“I don’t know yet. I’m afraid to move. I guess I lost my footing.”

“I’m going to go get Samuel.” Katie Ann started to stand up, but Eli opened his eyes and grabbed her arm. He eased her back down.

“Please don’t. I’m embarrassed enough.” He slowly sat up, and Katie Ann was horrified to see blood in the snow where his head had been.

“You’re hurt.” She reached up and gently twisted his head so she could try to inspect his wound. “I think we’d better get you to a hospital.”

“Really? Because I’d rather not.” He bent his legs, propped one arm against the ground, and tried to stand up, but lost his balance.

Katie Ann put an arm around him. “Here, let me help you.”

“I should fall off the roof more often.” Eli leaned into her and smiled.

“You will not be getting back on my roof.”

“Don’t need to. It’s fixed.” He glanced upward. “Although Elam’s toolbox is still up there.”

“We’ll get it later. Let’s get you into the haus so I can have a look at Copyright 2016 - 2024