The Wonder of Your Love - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,27

didn’t think life could get any worse. She’d sunken lower than a snake by accepting Katie Ann’s money, and the only man she’d ever loved was gone. Along with his money. It hadn’t been a ton of money that he’d brought to the relationship, but it was substantially more than Lucy had ever had, and his contribution to their bank account had always given her a sense of security.

But Ivan had always loved to surprise her, like with the new car he’d bought her a few months ago. He had adapted well to his job in the outside world doing landscaping projects, saying it allowed him to keep a small part of his past, his love of the land. And the money had been good, but old habits die hard, and Lucy was always on edge about money.

She recalled the fight they’d had the night Ivan was killed in the accident. Lucy was concerned about their finances, and Ivan said that was all she cared about—money. The last thing he did when he left was to mumble something in Pennsylvania Deitsch, and Lucy had no idea what he’d said in his native dialect.

She rubbed her tired eyes for a moment as she wondered once again what Ivan’s final words had been. She’d pushed him to get a divorce, but Ivan said he didn’t believe in divorce, which Lucy found ironic since the man was sharing her bed.

Sometimes Ivan said one thing but did another. She knew he felt bad about their living arrangements, but he still insisted divorce from Katie Ann wasn’t an option. He also said that he knew he’d failed in the eyes of God, that he missed his relationship with the Lord. Most of the time Lucy didn’t understand his reasoning. She just knew she loved him.

Lucy stood up when people started to board the plane. She picked up her carry-on bag and edged toward them. A woman in front of her moved to the front of the line, since she was boarding with a small baby. Lucy touched her stomach with her free hand and wondered for the thousandth time what in the world she was going to do with a child.


ELI ASKED THE DRIVER TO WAIT WHILE HE WENT TO get Katie Ann and Jonas. He was worried that Katie Ann would cancel because of the snow, but the driver had the car toasty warm, and Eli had an umbrella opened to protect them from the light flurries. Although he wasn’t sure a trip to the sand dunes was the best plan. He’d wait until they were on the road to mention it and suggest an indoor outing instead.

Katie Ann opened the door a few seconds after he knocked, with Jonas bundled in her arms, a car seat at her feet, and a diaper bag over one shoulder. “We’re ready,” she said.

Eli was thrilled to hear excitement in her voice. And the woman looked absolutely beautiful. A faint alarm rang in his head, reminding him that they could be nothing more than friends, but he ignored it, picked up the car seat, and motioned Katie Ann ahead of him, holding the umbrella over her head.

“Careful down the steps,” he said, latching onto her arm.

Once they had Jonas secure in the backseat, Eli offered to sit there with him, but Katie Ann insisted on being close to the baby. So Eli sat in front with their driver, Wayne, an older man whom Vera had recommended. Vera said he was a regular driver for the few Amish in their small community.

The car hadn’t even pulled out of the snow-covered driveway when Katie Ann spoke up. “Would you mind if we make a stop around the corner before we go to the sand dunes?”

Eli was surprised that she was still open to seeing the massive dunes with the weather as it was. He twisted his neck to face her. “Ya. Wayne can take you wherever you need to go.”

“I want to check on my friend Martha.” Katie Ann frowned. “She comes to see me and Jonas every day, and she didn’t come last night.” She hesitated. “And Martha had a doctor appointment yesterday.”

Wayne reached the end of the driveway. “Which way to your friend’s house?” The gray-haired man looked over his shoulder at Katie Ann.

Eli had liked the Englisch man right away. He was softspoken with a gentle smile.

“Turn right here,” Katie Ann said. “Then it’s the second right, and Martha’s house is the third one on the Copyright 2016 - 2024