Wolves at the Door - Lidiya Foxglove Page 0,75

was. Jake and Jasper already had a future in mind…work together, meet the family, have a kid or two I guess. Graham and Byron were the opposite…one of them dead to his old world, and the other just plain dead.

I needed to bring them together down one path, or I would have to make a choice.

At least everything else was coming together. At least, so I thought that night, as we shared takeout Italian and a little too much to drink, eating at the kitchen island, bringing some life to the cheerful yellow kitchen before we locked the doors on Greenwood Manor.

Thank you for reading! I always write a little note as I am uploading a new book, but in this case, as I was finishing the book my mom called and asked if I wanted to go with her to the discount grocery store across town! Get up at 7 am she said! Mom, I’m on a deadline! But I do need a bunch of random chocolate and mildly expired organic soup, so I guess I’ll keep this note short.

Thank you for your support for this series! I’m having so much fun with Helena and her friends. A number of you have told me how much you enjoy a heroine who does stuff and works hard…I’ve enjoyed that too and I wish I was as competent as Hel… Book three, Phantom of the Library, will be out in July. Please join my Facebook group and come hang out! I have a number of series set in this same world and I’m going to leave with you a preview of one of my personal favorites, Fae Sworn, which gives you a peek into the faery court through the eyes of my most outrageous heroine, Daisy Pendleton.


“Fae Sworn” Preview


My life has taken a pretty weird turn, I thought, as I stepped into the faery realm with my new husband-to-be at my side.

Orson was a sexy, muscular gruagach from the House of Clover. Gruagach were the faeries that tended the cows, and I had gathered that other faeries looked down on them, but this was okay with me considering I didn’t like the other faeries.

The first thing everyone should know about faeries is that most of them are assholes.

I mean, you’ve heard the stories, right?

They steal babies? They play tricks? They offer you food and next thing you know, a hundred years go by?

It had been centuries since humans had been allowed into this realm, but we’d made this bargain, and I was the crazy witch who had decided to be the spokesperson for humankind. I had agreed to marry a man I didn’t really know at all, and leave behind everything I knew, but then…to say I had some issues with my grandmother and the witch community was an understatement.

Sometimes you just have to jump on a new opportunity when it comes up.

Now I was standing before Queen Morgana of the faeries, trying to look like I wasn’t going to take any shit from her. I was good at that expression. This might be one reason I didn’t have a lot of friends back in the Chicago witch community. My family was wealthy, and I had magic everyone wanted to make use of, and my parents had been murdered when I was a kid. If this sounds like the combination that leads to not trusting other people, and maybe even super-villainry, well, yeah, it does. But I’m a pretty awesome person anyway all things considered. I like having friends as long as they don’t try to fucking use me.

Most people I’ve ever met only want to use me.

“Daisy Pendleton.” A handsome blonde fairy male was standing in front of the queen’s throne, consulting the paper on which I had signed my name and intention to be a part of the faery realm. “That is your name, correct?”

“Yes, I am the one and only Daisy Pendleton.” Gotta lay down the ground rules. “As you can see, I brought myself and twelve more witches to be faery brides, as per the agreement. You have their names there. We expect to be treated well here, and we’ll reward you in return with more power in the magical world.”

I had been escorted to an outdoor throne, within a hall formed of cypress trees. The throne ‘room’ was like a little island, surrounded by pools of water with lily pads and lush aquatic flowers blooming under mangrove and other strange trees. All up and down the

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