The Wolfs Maine - By Jinni James Page 0,52

going down my arms and legs until I thought I was going to explode. He began faster and faster I could tell he was getting close and I knew I was. We both let out screams as the explosion over took us. It was like fireworks, lighting strikes, and a bomb going off all at once. Never in my life have I ever felt such pleasure. He collapsed next to me and we both lay there completely covered in sweat yet utterly satisfied. There was no need for words. We could see everything in each other’s eyes.

Once we were able to move again, John got up and started the shower as I unpacked our bags. His bathroom was almost as big as his bedroom. There was a little mini hallway that had a vanity and stool on one side and on the other were shelves for towels and such. Then you walk into the round bathroom with a double sink set up on one side then a huge Jacuzzi tub on the other side. There was a glass door that connected to the tub that led into the shower. How cool. The tile was a very subtle brown marble that almost looked to pretty to step on. There were even sky lights in the ceiling. I could see myself spending many hours in here. Although at this moment we did not have hours, not with the fun we just had.

I got in the shower and John joined me. He poured the soap onto the loofah. He then began to run it up and down my body making sure to wash every inch of me. Then he handed me the shampoo while he washed himself. I had never showered with a man before and I admit I kind of like it. Before I could blink John was out of the shower holding up a towel for me. I carefully stepped into it and wrapped it around me. John had finished getting ready before me so he went down to join the guys. I threw some of my clothes on, ran my fingers through my hair, tossed on a little makeup, and went to check on Jaci.

I walked into Jaci's room and couldn’t help but giggle. She will love this room when she wakes up. It was purple! The bedding was purple and black and she had some pillows that were purple and some that were black. The side chair near the window was also purple, her favorite color. No mirrors thank goodness. I don’t think she is going to want to see herself when she wakes up. To be honest, I have never seen her look better. Her skin had a glow to it. She was more pale than usual but there was a glow about her. I could not put my finger on it but she looked like a porcelain doll. She was resting quietly while Lena was sitting next to her.

"Hey Avalon."

"Hey. How is she?" Lena barely looked up from Jaci as she talked to me.

"She is doing much better. There’s hardly any movement from her at all. I do not know if that is a good thing or bad thing. John says it is because she is almost done." I could not help but feel nervous.

"I do not know what we are going to tell her when she wakes up. I wonder if she will even remember." Lena let out a small sigh.

"I don't know either. I am anxious for her just to wake up. I am ready to see for myself that she is okay and herself." I took Lena's hand hoping it would help in some small way to assure her.

"She is going to be fine. We are going to have a lot of work ahead of us though. We have to try to help her through this and teach her how to eat and what not. Speaking of which, the guys are going to have to start explaining some of this to us so we can help her while they are off finding Nicholas." Lena stood up and took my hand.

"You know what, your right! Let’s go downstairs and talk to them. Jaci has been sleeping for quite some time. I think she will be fine for a little bit on her own."

"Let’s go then roomie." Lena let a small smile claim her lips, I was happy to see it.

Chapter Fourteen

As we went downstairs the most amazing smell caught our noses. We walked in to Copyright 2016 - 2024