The Wolfs Maine - By Jinni James Page 0,49

I know is I am following a road. I may not be able to see anything but I can hear plenty. I can hear owls in the distance and bugs galore. The bugs sure were talking tonight. I could still hear something behind me and what was worse was it was getting closer. Who could be following me? I could finally see a house in the distance with its lights on but I already knew I was not going to be able to make it. The footsteps got closer and I could feel my heart beat speed up. I tried to calm myself like John taught me but when you’re being stalked by something or someone it is extremely hard.

Whoever was following me was now right up on me. I could feel their breath on my neck. Should I turn around one more time or just take off in a dead run? Of course my mind was telling me to phase and run like hell but the stupid part of me turned around. It was Nicholas with his dark red eyes full of fury. He was there to kill me. Now the question was will I fight or succumb? Before I could answer my own question I could feel someone shaking me.

"Ava dear wake up." My eyes opened to see my love. My John.

"We are almost there. I thought I would wake you up so you can be ready." I had to clear my throat just to talk.

"Okay. Thank you. How is Jaci?"

"She is doing fine. Do not worry."

How could I not worry? My best friend was turning into a vampire and we were hiding from my ex that wanted to kill us all like he had my family. There was plenty to worry about. I look over at the car next to us and it was Lena and Andrews. I don’t know what was going on with Lena and Andrew and I am not even sure if they know but they are cute together.

I was still not very excited about going to Millinocket, Maine. I could barely stand the name of it. No, excited was not the word I would use at all but hopefully things will get taken care of fairly quickly and we can all go back home. I already miss my lovely Portland. I see John looking over at me every few seconds smiling at me. Just seeing John makes me smile no matter where we are going. He places his hand on top of mine. This is heaven.

"We will be there in a just a couple more minutes love." I managed not to sound to blah about it.


"Ava love, I know you’re not thrilled about this." I let out a slight huff and he put his finger under my chin and lifted my face so I could look at him.

"You could let me finish before you huff at me." He winked at me and I could not help but let out a giggle.

"There's my Ava. Okay back to what I was saying. I know you’re not thrilled but this will be taken care of quickly and who knows you may like it there."

I was not so sure about that. I was perfectly happy in my quaint yet busy town in Maine. As we were driving I see fields. That's it. There was nothing but acres and acres of fields. There was nothing in them because it is winter. It just made everything look sad and empty. I saw a few businesses on the way but nothing big. Then we must have been driving through the town because I finally saw life. They actually have a city, a cute little city that was unexpected. It was a busy city at that.

There were cars everywhere all going somewhere. We kept driving straight through the city it seems. It looked beautiful. We started driving down a long road with large amazing houses on each side of me. I didn’t think people here had houses like that. I mean I knew they would have houses maybe even nice houses but nothing like this. These were full blown mansions.

As we were driving through the neighborhood we began to see fewer and fewer houses until I realized we were on his driveway. His house came into view. Boy, he liked being hidden behind trees and ducked out in the woods somewhere. Although I do not consider this woods but it was still a lot of trees.

His house was magnificent. This one Copyright 2016 - 2024