The Wolfs Maine - By Jinni James Page 0,2

I knew about him was he is very handsome, six feet tall, short dark hair that sometimes falls in his eyes which seem to look gray in most of his pictures, and he is built. He is a very successful business man who has never been married and has no children. Other than that we just talk normal every day talk and sometimes he talks about his work and we talk about my writing. He hasn’t once talked about a woman he was dating. I’m not sure if he has even dated anyone since we have been talking. We talk about my marriage occasionally but I try to change the subject every time. He seems to be there for me more than my own husband which should tell me something.

“See! You’re lighting up now! Your thinking about him, are you not?” Jaci’s voice interrupted my thoughts as usual.


“Don’t lie to me Ava! You suck at lying anyway. What were you thinking?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking about him in general. Can we please talk about something else? How is your work going?”

“Ugh, I did not come over here to talk about work.”

“Okay Jaci, what did you come over here for?” I asked as I stared at her waiting for her answer.

“I want us to go out one night. We can grab Lena and go out dancing. It will be so much fun and it will get you out of your funk. Who knows, maybe it’s what you need to open that door that has shut in your head so you may actually write.” I can’t deny that it sounds like a wonderful idea. I haven’t been out with my girlfriends in years. Nicholas shouldn’t care if I go.

“Sounds good Jaci. Let me run it by Nicholas and I will let you know.”

“Why do you have to run it by Nick? Is he your dad now?”

“You know damn well how he is. I can’t just go out without at least telling him first.” I responded, slightly irritated.

“Okay okay. Check with the warden and text me later. I’ve got to run; I’m already late for work. Love ya!” With a wink she skips out the door. A night out with my friends may be exactly what I need. A few drinks and some dancing sure would be nice. Now if only Nicholas would let me. I go ahead and send Nicholas an email letting him know the plans and seeing if he minds me going out. Emailing him is always easier since he gets mad if I call him at work. I decide to check my other emails while I wait on his response and there is an email from John. I click on it immediately feeling a smile is creeping up on my face and begin to read:


How are you dear? I have missed talking to you. I am sorry I have been so busy with work and everything. I feel as though I haven’t talked to you in weeks even though it’s only been a day or two but that feels like a very long time when it comes to you. I really wish you would reconsider meeting me in person. I promise I will behave, I just want to see you and yes I know your married and you’re not supposed to meet strange men but live a little Ava. We both know you don’t have a real marriage, let me give you what he can’t. Meet me. Just tell me and I will be there. If not that is Okay too. I hope you know what you mean to me.



He takes my breath away. With one email he can take my breath away, how does he do that? Should I reconsider meeting him? He brought up the subject of meeting each other off and on throughout the year but lately he’s been bringing it up more. A part of me wants to meet him so bad but the other part worries about Nicholas. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that John and I are attracted to each other with all the flirting that goes on between us, but I still don’t know if I want to take the chance. If Nicholas found out he would kill me, or worse kill John and I couldn’t live with myself then. I wish something or someone would just tell me what to do. Just then I receive an email back from Nicholas.

Fine! Go out with your friends. Maybe I’ll be able Copyright 2016 - 2024