Wolf's Bane - Auryn Hadley Page 0,80

his head in a clear invitation. "He just wants the hot tub," he promised me. "If that makes you uncomfortable, he doesn't have to stay."

The problem was that I remembered one other thing from the conversation I'd overheard. One I hadn't thought too much about because I'd had so much wine, and now I couldn't stop replaying it over and over. It had come right after they said, "our girl."

"Two is easier than five," I whispered, finally realizing exactly what they'd been talking about.

Behind me, I heard the other man slip into the water. "It is," he said, proving it was Trent.

Pax saw my eyes light up with recognition and just smiled. "And you already know our voices." His eyes flicked over. "She heard us Monday night. Came asking questions. I promised her answers."

The water sloshed as Trent moved closer, then a second pair of hands gathered my hair into a twist, pulling it all away from my neck. "I can help with that." A moment later, Trent's lips found my neck.

The kiss was soft, barely there, but I still felt it. The warmth of his breath on my water-chilled skin was erotic. The pressure of Pax's fingers holding my head steady made me feel delicate. Almost fragile. When Trent kissed just a little higher, right behind my ear, I tried to hold back the moan, but the faintest hint of it could still be heard.

"I think she likes that," Pax said.

"Mhm," Trent whispered against my neck. "Turn around, Elena."

Pax immediately let go, using the buoyancy of the water to lift and turn me, but that left me sitting on his lap. Right on a very thick, very solid ridge that was pressed against my ass. To prove it, Pax tilted his hips, grinding his dick into that cleft. I gasped, but Trent caught the side of my face and took advantage of it. His mouth brushed mine, and his tongue slid across my lower lip slowly, encouraging me to kiss back.

I did. As my arms reached up, one went around his neck, the other palmed the flat plane of Trent's chest. Pax spread his knees, and like a choreographed dance, Trent moved closer until his hard-on pressed against my stomach. Unwilling to be left out, Pax's mouth kissed a line across the top of my shoulder.

These two men were so very gentle. Each touch, every caress was light, as if ready to draw back. They didn't force the issue and didn't paw at the frail straps of my bikini. Their hands roamed, but only to worship. It was the sweetest taunting I could imagine, and it proved they were right. There was nothing at all wrong with this, and so very much that was good. The kind of good I wanted a lot more of.

Long after I'd stopped thinking and had given up on trying to stay quiet, Trent finally pulled away, giving me back my mouth. "I could do that all night," he promised, "but you can't." His thumb slid across my cheek in a sweet caress. "Gabby wouldn't think anything of finding you in our hot tub. The same wouldn't be true to find you on Pax's lap."

"And you have wine to finish," Pax reminded me as he carefully eased me over beside him.

Without asking, Trent claimed Pax's bottle of beer and took a swig before dropping down onto the bench, trapping me in the middle. When he did, I had a clear line of sight to the back door of their house. On the other side of the glass, with one arm braced against the frame and a cup of coffee cradled in the other hand, stood Ian. Clearly, he'd seen the whole thing. Just as I was about to panic, he smiled and lifted his cup in a salute before simply walking away.

"That's going to be awkward tomorrow," I mumbled.

Pax's fingers toyed with the hair at the back of my neck. "I promise he won't say a thing. Not unless you do first."

"Trust us," Trent told me. "This is fine."

I just nodded, wondering what I'd just gotten myself into. Then again, if two had gotten me that worked up, what would it be like with five?


I came back from Dad's to find the house empty. Seth was still with Ashley, drawing up plans for how to handle the influx of humans this weekend, but there was no reason my house should be this quiet. Lane, Pax, and Trent should all be here. I was

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