Wolf's Bane - Auryn Hadley Page 0,49

well enough, because both men headed toward the hall that had my bedroom on one side, the laundry room on the other, and the back door just beyond.

"This is your room, right?" Lane asked.

Pax huffed. "Of course it is, dogface. Too close to the door, and Gabby's old enough to try sneaking out."

"She also wanted the upstairs," I admitted. "But yeah, you're right. Plus, I'm too old to climb my way into bed."

Pax smiled at me. "Bad time to mention I'm on the second floor, huh?" Without waiting for an answer, he turned to the washer and lifted the lid. "Now this is old school. Haven't seen a top load in a while."

"It was all I could afford," I admitted.

"I'm just giving you shit, honey," he assured me. "Failing, but that was my intention." Then he reached inside and lifted out something very small and very lacy. "Oh, those are cute."

"And Gabby's," I said.

His fingers released the tiny panties like he'd just been burned. "Nope, did not need to know that. Uh, have some bleach for my brain?"

I couldn't help it, I laughed, and that helped me stop feeling as bad about my cheap piece-of-crap washer. Granted, it was also when the real fun started. Using almost no words, relying on those manly grunts guys liked so much, the pair began easing the machine away from the wall. When there was enough space, Pax wedged his lean body back there and started demanding tools.

Lane didn't even need to ask. He saw the little toolbox on the shelf above and helped himself. It was kinda nice, in all honesty. With them talking about specific types of wrenches and sizes of screwdrivers (or vice versa), I didn't need to expose my lack of knowledge. Instead, I just got to enjoy the view.

And what a view it was. Lane was the big and buff type, like the kind bred to be a super-soldier, but Pax? He wasn't bad-looking either. He had the body of a runner, although he was not what I'd call pretty. His features were a little too hard, more like the villain than the hero, but I had a weakness for his olive complexion, and both men were in amazing shape. The kind of shape that made me imagine them as the love interests in those romances I'd been reading. The hot, naked, and sweaty kind of thoughts that I really shouldn't be having.

I was smiling to myself when Lane spoke up, ripping me from my daydream. "You don't have to watch."

"Uh..." I hoped I didn't look as guilty as I felt. "I just figured, um..."

"Shut up, Lane," Pax grumbled from behind the washer. "If a woman wants to see you flex your muscles, then you flex more. You don't try to chase her off."

Lane kicked at Pax's leg. "And she probably has more important things to do than entertain us. Smells like she's been cleaning."

That made me do a double-take. "What do you mean?"

"He's just sensitive to scents," Pax explained between almost-grunts that proved he was working. "Cleaning sprays and things like that? Yeah, he always knows. It's almost like he's a freak of nature."

"Asshole," Lane grumbled.

"It's cool, man," Pax assured him. "And she had a candle burning in the kitchen. Linen-scented or something."

"I can put it out if it bothers you," I offered.

"No, I like that one." Lane glanced over, his golden eyes meeting mine. "I just noticed. Doesn't mean it bothers me. I actually like it when things smell good."

The way he looked at me made my insides a little warm, as if those words had been some kind of compliment I couldn't quite understand. I found myself glancing away to smile. Somehow, these men made me feel like a silly girl all over again. I was old enough to know better, but I liked the attention. I honestly did, and I kinda wanted more of it.

Those lingering looks and the eagerness to help? That wasn't something a man did just to be nice. Maybe one or the other, but not both. There hadn't been a single attempt to put me off like some annoying neighbor in need. No, Pax had rallied his forces - Lane - and charged right in. It was the ego boost I hadn't realized I'd needed.

When I lifted my eyes again, Lane was still waiting. This time, he looked away, and a little too fast. Then his lips curled into a smile - and he glanced back. The third time our eyes

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