Wolf's Bane - Auryn Hadley Page 0,103

my hair back. "I don't know what this means!"

"It means you have the green light," Ashley told me. "It means she's guessed there's something building. She's not dumb, Elena. Your daughter is mired in romantic drama every day at school. She can probably read that stuff better than either of us. She knows the guys are into you, and it kinda sounds like she's cheering for you."

"So this is ok?"

She nodded. "This is ok. I mean, I'd still suggest you take it slow. No gang bangs on weeknights or anything."


She giggled. "I'm kidding, but only because I know you wouldn't anyway. I'm just saying that I think you can relax. Your biggest concern has been dealt with. Now, you just have to tell her that you're actually dating Ian, and take it from there."

"I hope he realizes this is going to be a process."

"He does," she promised me. "Mostly because I've explained it to him enough that I'm sick of talking about it. Did you know he has been freaking out? All last week, while we were trying to figure out how to bring this up with Gabby, he thought you were avoiding him. Then when you called him last night?" She thumped her chest ape-style. "Now he's the big man again."

For some reason, I couldn't help but think that was adorable. "Really?"

"Really. He said you two had a talk the week before, and he thought he'd finally convinced you, but he'd been holding back so you could get to know the others first. He figured they could seduce you; he'd romance you."

"We kinda made out in the kitchen last night," I admitted.

She gasped. "After Gabby got busted?

I just nodded. "Yep. He ran over here in nothing but a pair of jeans! It was cold out, and there he was, standing on my back porch with all those muscles?"

She thrust a hand between us. "Nope. Nuh-uh. Do not want to hear about his muscles."

"I'm just saying! He was almost naked - and cold. So I invited him in, we laughed about no longer being tired, and next thing I know, we were the ones acting like horny teenagers, and he just kept pushing all the right buttons."

"Yeah. Just so you know, he can be a little controlling. Likes to make sure the odds are in his favor. It's why he's so good at what he does."

"Well," I promised her, "he can control me anytime he wants."

"Elena, no!" Ashley wailed. "No, that's my baby brother! Don't ever do that again!"

But she loved it. As hard as she was laughing, I knew she honestly didn't care. My best friend was happy for me. My daughter seemed like she would be ok with this. Me? I was in heaven.


The whole idea of working with the men I was dating was a little weird. Not that we actually worked together, but Ian always came into the office before he started his day. Sometimes he had one of the others with him - usually Pax or Trent - but just as often, he was alone. And now, with it being colder outside, all the kids had taken to waiting in the office for the bus to arrive.

Since Gabby had ridden to school with Roman - I didn't want the boy to think I hated him, after all - it made this easier, but I still remembered how freely gossip flowed through children. That was why I listened in on their conversations while I got started on my day. I was wondering if people were already talking. I knew they shouldn't be, but this community was like a small town dropped in the middle of a big city. Everyone seemed to know everyone else's business.

Instead, I heard one of the middle school girls talking about something much more mundane. "Mom was saying it should happen any time now," she told her friend. "But she warned me that it might also be a complete surprise, and explained what to do if I was in school."

"I didn't even think about that," the other whispered. "How are we supposed to keep everyone from knowing?"

"We just have to pay attention. That's why she told my brother to help," the first girl assured her. "But yeah, if you feel anything, better to stay home that day, you know? Before we moved here, she homeschooled me, but this is so much better, I think. Worth the risk, you know?"

I was smiling at my computer, thankful Gabby was already past worrying about

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