WolfeStrike (De Wolfe Pack Generations #2) - Kathryn Le Veque Page 0,107

“I must be further honest, my lady. We spoke briefly on my family last night, but I did not tell you all of it. My family is not wealthy. In fact, I serve de Featherstone because he pays well and I must earn my way in life, so if your father is thinking to marry you to a prestigious knight from a great family, I am afraid that is not me. But I am honorable, loyal, and have worked hard to accumulate what money I have earned. Upon the passing of my father, I will inherit Welton Castle and the title of Lord Faldingworth, and I intend to return my family’s estate to the powerful bastion it used to be, but for now… now, I must serve de Featherstone.”

She was looking at him with an amused twinkle in her eyes. “Are you proud of your position, then?”

“I am.”

“Then so am I. Fraser, truly, you need not worry.”

“But I fear your father may not approve because I do not have a great name, nor do I serve a great house.”

She laughed softly. “I am the eldest, and only, daughter of Blayth de Wolfe, brother to the Earl of Warenton,” she said. “Warenton lands are four times the size of any other earldom in the north and my father commands thousands. We are the largest family in the north.”

“I am aware.”

“Then you must realize that we do not need wealth or lands, for we have enough of our own,” she said. “A man of good character is worth more than money or lands, and should you and I marry, you would serve the Earl of Warenton. That is much better than serving de Featherstone.”

Fraser didn’t say anything for a moment. It was clear that he was mulling over what she had said.

“Then I must be plain before this goes any further,” he said. “It is true that, someday, I would like to serve a big house. That has always been my desire. But you… I do not court you because you are a de Wolfe and my path to service would be a simple thing. I would court you simply because you are who you are, and for no other reason. You could be the daughter of a peasant for all I care and I would still want to court you. What you are makes no difference to me – it is who you are. Do you understand?”

Isabella nodded. “I do,” she said, smiling. “And the same thing can be said for you. I do not care that you do not come from a great family. It is your heart I care about and nothing more.”

A smile tugged at the corner of Fraser’s mouth. “Then we understand one another.”

“We do.”

“Then I would speak to your father before you leave.”

Reaching out, she looped her hand into the crook of his elbow. “I happen to know where he is.”

Fraser had never been prouder than he was at that moment, heading towards the apartment block with Isabella on his arm. It fortified him for what was to come.

But what was to come was not what he had expected.

The day was about to take a dark turn.

“She said that?”

Isabella nodded solemnly. “She did.”

Tor simply shook his head in disgust and turned away.

Isabella and Fraser entered the apartment block to find Blayth standing in the chamber that Isabella had shared with Isalyn, speaking to Tor as Isalyn removed all of the pretty things he’d purchased for her in Carlisle and placed them across the bed. Fraser had hoped to speak to Blayth privately and, in truth, he was a little intimidated by the big, scarred warrior, but his plans were thwarted when Tor asked Isabella to elaborate on her concerns with Barbara.

So, she told him. As Fraser shut the door quietly so the conversation wouldn’t be overheard, Tor wasn’t surprised by what Isabella said.

But like her, he was concerned.

“I am sorry I told her, Tor,” Isabella said, thinking he was miffed at her. “But I knew that she and Lenore would know soon enough, so I saw no harm in telling her, yet when I did, it was as if she went mad. She muttered to herself and ran off. I thought you should know.”

Tor sighed heavily and reached out, putting a hand on her soft cheek. “Not to worry, Bella,” he said. “I am not angry with you. It is true that Barbara and Lenore would know soon enough, but I do not like what she

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