Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,94

of regrets and has vowed to be the one in charge of her life from this point forward.”

“Okay. I suppose I understand,” Trey said, though he looked like he was still perplexed as hell. “Actually, no I don’t. What the hell do her previous bad choices about Dave have to do with her being The One for you?”

Diego let out a heavy sigh as two women poked their heads around the edges of their cubicles with blatant curiosity. It was difficult to keep from growling at them.

“How do you think Bree will see the soul-mate connection?” he asked Trey, moving farther along the line of cubicles and away from the nosy people. “Will she think it’s this wonderful confirmation of what she already knows or as the hand of fate stepping in and making decisions for her?”

A light came on in Trey’s eyes as understanding filled them. “Well, crap. That complicates things more than a little. What the hell are you going to do?”

Diego shrugged, sniffing the air and determining Hobbs’s scent was still stuck in the same place. “I’m going to keep seeing her as if we’re two normal people with no special bond to worry about or discuss. I fall in love with her and she falls in love with me. No big deal.”

Trey seemed to think about that for a second or two before shaking his head. “I got to tell you, that has to be the dumbest plan I’ve ever heard of. I mean, that’s in the category of jumping off a building with an umbrella because you think Mary Poppins can really fly.”

Diego ignored him and homed in on the scent of the man they’d come here to find.

“Seriously, Big D,” Trey continued, trailing behind him. “You have to know this is going to blow up in your face. Someone in the Pack is going to end up mentioning the legend. Hell, all anyone ever seems to talk about is catching bad guys and finding The One. Bree is going to be pissed when she finds out you’ve been keeping this from her. Worse, she might end up thinking you don’t believe she’s your soul mate. That would be bad. As in bad…bad…bad.”

Diego didn’t want to entertain the possibility of that happening. Neither did his inner wolf, who was nervously pacing back and forth. “Don’t you think I know that? But until I come up with something better, that’s the plan I’m going with.”

They were close enough to Hobbs’s scent by then to hear him slip out of his cubbyhole. The fact that his head was barely visible over the walls could only mean he was moving around in a crouch. Obviously, he’d heard them coming.

Trey peeled off to the left while Diego continued to follow Hobbs’s track as he scurried away. It was almost fun following him, even if the chase didn’t last very long.

The thud as Hobbs bounced off one of his pack mates up ahead was loud enough for Diego to hear, and he rounded a few more cubicles to find Hobbs getting to his feet while he glared up at Hale and Trey.

“Hobbs.” Diego smiled. “Just the man we’ve been looking for. You have a minute to talk?”

The reporter turned that glower on him. “Afraid not. I have a story I need to track down.”

“Funny how that works,” Trey murmured. “We have a story to track down, too. About a Dallas Daily Star reporter actively involved in the delirium attacks and covering up information so he can get a good story.”

That must have gotten Hobbs’s attention because his entire demeanor changed. He drew himself up, running his hand nervously down the front of his loosened tie and looking around. “Not here. Let’s go to the conference room.”

Hobbs led the way to a corner room, walking in front of them like he was heading to his own execution. Once inside the room, he immediately shut the door and closed all the blinds, then gestured to the rectangular conference table.

“How’d you figure it out?” Hobbs asked as he sat down at the head of the table. “And why are you guys here and not cops from the delirium task force?”

“We went down to Coffield and talked to a few people,” Diego said, willing to answer the first question. “They remember you going down there because you were very interested in Dave Cowell. You spent hours watching security footage and left with some of that footage in your possession. Footage you got from an

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