Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,69

when he saw Hale’s name on the screen.

“You guys find anything worthwhile?” Diego asked.

“Maybe,” Hale said. “Talking to anyone at the construction company was a waste, so we decided to check the traffic cams in the area where those guys were working. You’ll never guess what we found.”

“You’re right,” Trey said. “So tell us.”

“Footage of those four construction workers standing on the sidewalk having coffee when a BMW pulls up and a guy in a nice suit gets out and gives them a box of doughnuts, shakes their hands, then leaves.”

“That’s it?” Diego asked, confused. “A good Samaritan handing out doughnuts?”

“That Good Samaritan was your girlfriend’s ex,” Connor said. “And less than a minute after he left, those guys dropped everything—including the doughnuts—then got in their work truck like a bunch of frigging zombies and took off.”

Diego exchanged looks with Trey. If Dave had simply shown up at the mall, that was one thing, but interacting with the construction workers before they tried to jack that armored truck was too much of a coincidence.

“What about you guys?” Hale asked. “Did you get anything?”

Diego told them what he and Trey had learned, saying Dave had been at the mall and mentioning the way those three college kids had acted after coming into contact with him.

“What’s our next move?” Connor asked.

Diego didn’t even have to think about it. “We figure out what the hell Dave is up to. Something tells me he’s a whole lot more than an investment advisor.”

Chapter 10

“I thought everyone on the team had the day off for the baby shower. Unless they have to go on a call, I mean,” Bree said as Diego led her and Brandon through the SWAT compound toward the huge, open-sided tent set off to one side and filled with people. “Are they doing training or something?”

Diego followed her gaze to where a group of people were rappelling off a tall structure that looked like a building but without windows or doors.

“They aren’t training,” he said with a laugh. “Rappelling is something we do for fun at parties.”

She caught sight of movement at the top of the wall, watching with dread as Trey and a teenage boy moved to the edge and began to bounce down the wall like it was the most natural thing in the world. Her stomach plummeted right along with them. And she wasn’t even the one up there!

She quickly looked away as Trey and the boy covered the last ten feet in a single big leap that made her think they were both going to smash themselves into the ground up to their necks. “You and your friends have a strange idea of what fun is.”

Diego chuckled again, guiding Bree and Brandon to the tent, nodding and smiling at people and stopping in between so they could pet the adorable dogs milling around wagging their tails before leading them over to a tall, muscular man who simply had to be another alpha and a pretty, dark-haired, pregnant woman, introducing them as Landry and Everly Cooper. Everly smiled and warmly hugged Bree like they were longtime friends, then eagerly opened the gifts she’d brought—a gift card to a store that sold everything you could ever need for babies and a big plush wolf.

After another round of hugs and a promise to swing by to talk more later, Diego introduced Bree and Brandon to the rest of the SWAT team and their significant others, as well as everyone else who’d come to help Everly and Cooper celebrate. Her head was spinning with names and faces by the time they came to a tall, blond woman and an even taller man with dark hair. Bree could tell right away that they were werewolves simply from the way they carried themselves.

“Bree, Brandon, this is Rachel Bennett and her mate, Knox Lawson,” Diego said. “Rachel is on the SWAT team, and Knox runs his own private security company. Believe it or not, they met right here on the SWAT compound.”

Bree smiled and was reaching out to shake Rachel’s hand when Diego made a funny strangled sound, pointing at his teammate’s left hand. More specifically, the diamond ring sitting there.

“When the hell did that happen?” he asked, his voice revealing his astonishment even more than his question. “And why didn’t I know about it?”

“It happened last night,” Rachel said with a smile, giving her fiancé an adoring look. “Today is all about Everly and Cooper, which means our announcement can wait, so try and

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