Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,61

tongue slipped in, amazed any man could taste this good. There was a hint of the wine there, and under that the savory flavor of the buttered popcorn from the movie. But more than any of that, there was the taste that was uniquely him. Impossible to describe, it was tantalizing all the same. Addicting almost.

One of Diego’s hands found its way into her hair, taking a firm grip and moving her this way and that as his mouth devoured hers. The pure masculinity of the move, along with the sounds of pleasure he was making sent heat pooling between her legs.

Bree couldn’t remember ever being this aroused, and something told her Diego was just as turned on. As crazy as it sounded, all she wanted to do was get his T-shirt and jeans off and make love to him right there on the couch. She would have done it, regardless of the fact that she’d known Diego for less than a damn week, if they were anywhere other than her living room with her son right down the hall.

She pulled back, her breath coming in rapid gasps, her heart beating like mad. She gazed into Diego’s eyes, seeing the heat in the golden glow filling them. He studied her, like he could read her mind, and slowly, his fingers slipped from her hair.

“Too fast?” he murmured.

She hated the fact that she had to nod, the same as she hated that he’d taken his fingers from her hair and hated that her lips had left his. “As much as I want to have my way with you right now, I can’t. Not with Brandon in his room. And if we try and slink off to my bedroom, he’ll know what we’re doing. I can’t—not yet.”

Bree silently prayed Diego would understand, terrified he wouldn’t. But then he smiled and leaned forward to kiss her gently and all her worries disappeared.

“I understand,” he said, mouth brushing hers again. “And when we are alone some night, I can’t wait for you to have your way with me.”

The words sent a delicious little shiver rushing through her. “Me too.”

Chapter 9

Diego pulled the SWAT team’s SUV into a parking space beside Hale and Connor along the back side of the building that housed the Dallas medical examiner’s office on North Stemmons Freeway. Mostly glass with some brick tossed in for good measure, it looked more like a modern art museum. He’d teased Bree last night about suggesting he and his teammates stick their noses where they didn’t belong, and now, this morning, they were going to do just that.

There’d been another delirium incident right before sunrise, this one even stranger than the others. Six members of a highway construction crew had shown up at their job site near the financial district, ready to fill in potholes, but instead decided they wanted to make a career change and tried to take down an armored truck packed with freshly printed money from the Federal Reserve Bank on Pearl Street.

The men protecting the armored vehicle had been heavily armed, and the botched robbery attempt had ended with two of the construction workers dead while the rest barricaded themselves in a nearby coffee shop. Diego and his teammates had dealt with the standoff without anyone else dying, but it had been a lot harder than it should have been. The four men had been nearly uncontrollable, even with nearly half a SWAT team full of werewolves on the scene. Of course, when it had gotten out that the suspects were once again a bunch of everyday guys, a good portion of the city had lost it, including more than a few members of the DPD.

It had only been four hours since the attempted robbery on the armored truck, but since then Diego and his pack mates had been going nonstop to keep up with calls coming in from random patrol officers worried their next domestic disturbance was going to turn into a full-scale riot. It didn’t help that Hobbs was out there hyping up his drug theory, telling people to be on the lookout for suspicious-looking characters. People were reporting every stranger they saw walking down the street.

When the SWAT team had finally been able to take a breather, instead of spending the downtime reliving the fantastic time he had with Bree and Brandon last night, Diego had talked to Gage, telling him they needed to get ahead of this situation before the Pack was simply overwhelmed. And if

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