Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,59

he was practically hypnotized at the mere glimpse of her legs.

“Thanks for agreeing to play the game,” she said, taking a slow sip of the wine Diego had brought on their first date. “I really appreciate it. It’s been a long time since Brandon’s had someone like you in his life willing to spend time with him.”

Diego flashed her a smile. “Don’t mention it. I had a good time tonight. In fact, I wouldn’t have traded this evening for anything.”

Bree returned his smile, realizing Diego wasn’t merely saying those words to be nice. She’d seen the way Brandon had looked at him back in the movie theater when she’d walked up the steps. She had no idea what it was, but she was sure something significant had happened while she’d been busy on the phone. There was a bond forming between them, and she couldn’t put into words how much she appreciated that.

She and Diego talked about the movie as they sipped their wine, laughing at how much Brandon had enjoyed it even though he was “too old to watch a cartoon.” Once or twice Bree tried to wheedle out what the two of them had talked about while she was on the phone, but Diego simply smiled and insisted it was just guy stuff.

“There is one thing Brandon and I talked about tonight you should know,” he said. “Something that involves your ex.”

Bree’s whole body went stiff. “What did that jerk do?”

Diego moved a little closer on the couch and took her hand, squeezing gently. “It’s okay. Brandon isn’t in any kind of danger. But he did tell me that Dave showed up outside the apartment wanting to talk about the three of you getting back together. It’s obvious he was hoping to manipulate your son into putting pressure on you, saying it was what he wanted. Brandon’s a sharp kid, though. He saw right through it, but I still thought it was something you should know about.”

Bree couldn’t even think right then. Everything was an angry blur of emotions. Fear that her ex could have tried to grab Brandon. Rage that the slimy bastard had come within a mile of her son. Worry that Brandon hadn’t been comfortable telling her about it when he’d been okay telling Diego.

She didn’t know if she wanted to scream, murder, or cry.

The conundrum was solved for her when Diego wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her close. The warmth of his body enveloped her, and she rested her head against his shoulder, immediately calmer.

“I wish Brandon had told me,” she finally said quietly. “I’m glad he has you to talk to, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry.”

“Like I said, there’s nothing to worry about,” Diego murmured, his words positively rumbling in that thick chest of his. “Brandon will tell you when he’s ready. Just remember to act surprised so he won’t know I ratted him out.”

She snorted a little at that but didn’t say anything. The fact that Dave was still trying to get back together with her was no surprise, but that he was apparently willing to use their son as bait was shocking. She liked to think there was at least some subbasement level he wouldn’t sink to in his stupid game.

Obviously, she was wrong.

“Everything okay at work?” Diego asked her.

Bree lifted her head, worried that he’d been talking while she’d zoned out and she’d missed almost all of it. “What?”

“Work?” he repeated. “You were on the phone for a while at the movie.”

She sighed, reluctantly sitting up and running her hand through her hair. “I’m working several big cases right now that seem to be connected, and if the company has to pay off the claims, it’s going to cost millions. My boss had me on a conference call giving a status update to upper-level management in the New York office.”

“What kind of cases are they?” Diego asked.

He sounded genuinely curious about her work, something none of the other men she’d dated had been. Most of them had tuned out the moment she mentioned anything about it, clearly bored.

“Four of our biggest clients had valuables stolen from their homes,” she said, ready to bail on the conversation the moment his eyes glazed over. “A jewelry collection, two paintings, a vase from the Ming dynasty, and a knife that belonged to Jim Bowie.”

“And you think there’s a connection between the cases?” Diego prompted, one hand resting on her thigh, his big hand warm through the thin material

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