Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,47

something she’d never experienced before—with anyone.

But as amazing as the conversation had been, it paled in comparison to that kiss. Okay, technically it wasn’t simply a kiss. It had been a make-out session of the best kisses Bree had ever experienced in her life.

Sighing contentedly at the memory, she opened the top folder and flipped through a few pages, trying to focus on personal details of Garth and Vera Williamson’s case, but it was difficult to think of anything other than Diego and how attracted she was to him.


Oh, hell. Who was she kidding? She was falling for the hunky SWAT cop big time.

The movie about the runaway bus and the guy and girl who end up mistaking the resulting adrenaline rush for something more abruptly flashed into her head. Part of her worried the same thing was going on with her and that she was merely feeling grateful for what he’d done for Brandon and her at the diner. But another part of her knew that wasn’t it at all.

Truthfully, the intense connection she and Diego seemed to have was a little scary. If he hadn’t tapped the brakes while they were making out on the couch, Bree knew there was a good chance she would have climbed onto his lap and… Well, from that point she had no idea how much further things would have gone because she’d never done anything like that with anyone before. Then again, she’d never been that into a guy before. That was why she hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. She’d spent half the night thinking about what had happened…and the other half fantasizing about what could have happened.

Picking up her coffee, she took a sip, then rested her elbows on the desk, cupping the warm mug between her hands. While she was kind of bummed Diego had suggested taking things slowly, she knew he was right. Because this wasn’t only about her. Brandon needed Diego in his life right now, both as a male role model with his head on straight and as a werewolf.

Brandon really liked Diego. Her son hadn’t stopped talking about how awesome he was from the moment they’d met him at the diner. If she messed things up by pushing things too fast, she wouldn’t only ruin her chances with a great guy, she’d likely also wreck the relationship between Diego and her son.

With another sigh—and a prayer this could work out for both her and Brandon—Bree forced herself to get back to work, turning her attention to the files before her, hoping she’d find some little detail that’d help with the cases. In addition to the Williamson and Montagne thefts, she’d picked up two additional cases—an elderly couple whose Ming vase had been stolen and a Texas oil baron who was missing a bowie knife that had belonged to Jim Bowie himself.

She was jotting down notes when she heard Leslie walk in. Bree looked up to give her assistant a smile, only to stiffen when she saw that her ex-husband was with Leslie.

What the hell is he doing here?

“I found this attractive guy in the lobby,” Leslie practically sang, a big grin on her face. “He said he was looking for you, so I brought him straight here.”

“Morning, Bree. I brought you coffee and a cheese Danish,” Dave said, standing there in a four-thousand-dollar suit and two-thousand-dollar shoes, using that charming voice he only pulled out for special occasions while holding up a small white bag and a signature cardboard cup from Starbucks. “Thought you might want something to eat while we talked.”

Leslie’s smile broadened, her look one of pure approval. Only because Leslie didn’t have a clue who the hell Dave was or what a jerk he could be.

Bree stood and circled her desk, taking the coffee and Danish out of his hand and promptly handing them to her assistant. “Toss these out, would you? Or feel free to enjoy the Danish, if you want. And the next time my ex-husband walks into the building, ignore him. That’s what I always do.”

Leslie glared at Dave, the smile disappearing from her face. Taking the coffee cup and bag from Bree, she turned on her heel and headed for the door, pausing to pointedly toss Dave’s peace offering in the small trash can before leaving.

Dave grunted in displeasure, but Bree cut him off before he could say anything. “Did you forget the part of that conversation we had where I told you never to come to my

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