Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,39

far end of the apartment, that didn’t keep her from glancing in that direction anyway, afraid he and Kevin might overhear.

“I guess that answers that question.” Diego chuckled. “Don’t worry. They’re both wearing headsets and buried in the game. They won’t hear anything short of an elephant stampede.”

Bree relaxed. Brandon could definitely get lost while playing his video games. Pretty much the same way he did when he was listening to music.

“We talked about it yesterday after leaving the compound and decided Kevin isn’t someone we could share a secret like that with,” she said, answering the question even if Diego already figured it out. “He’s Brandon’s best friend and has been forever, but even my son realizes Kevin could never keep a secret like this.” She made a face. “I feel horrible about it, but we haven’t told Beth, either. She’s always tied to her convictions about how the world works. I don’t want to think about how much she’d freak out if she found out werewolves exist.”

“I know what you mean.” He paused to take a big bite of chicken, chewing appreciatively. “My brother and sisters know about me, but not my mom or stepdad. They’d both pass out if they found out I have claws and fangs.”

She almost laughed when he practically moaned after tasting the garlic bread and pasta. Even the salad seemed to really work for him.

“This is incredible,” he said, spearing another piece of chicken with his fork. “I haven’t eaten Italian food this good in a long time. I feel a little bad that you went to all this work for me, though. This has to take hours to make.”

This time, she did laugh. “I’d like to take credit for going all out—you did save our lives, after all. But honestly, it’s what I would have made for dinner tonight anyway. I simply made more. So, it wasn’t a big deal.”

He let out a deep chuckle. “Spoken like a woman who doesn’t eat takeout from fast-food places most nights.”

Bree paused with a forkful of salad halfway to her mouth to take in all those muscles on the other side of the table, finding it impossible to believe Diego got a body like that living on cheeseburgers and fries. “You’re joking, right?”

“Nope.” He twirled some pasta on his fork. “I eat a lot of junk food.”

“Okay, let’s say I believe that. How can you be so…fit?”

“I’m a werewolf. My metabolism works overtime.”

She shook her head. “Well, that’s just patently unfair.”

The thought that he could look like that and practically live on junk food boggled the mind. She wanted to ask about other ways he was different from a regular person but decided that might be a little too personal to jump into right away. Instead, she changed the subject to something that had been in the back of her mind most of the day.

“I saw a news story from that reporter, Hobbs, today when I was scrolling on my phone,” she said. “It was mostly about the guy who took us hostage in the diner and what happened, but he also mentioned the call you went on at a bank yesterday. He said there was a confrontation between three armed men and your SWAT team and that one of the cops was injured. Whoever it was, I hope he’s okay.”

She held her breath as she waited for him to answer. The thought of anyone on his team getting hurt worried her, but the idea of Diego in particular being in harm’s way terrified her so much she could barely breathe. It was crazy since she barely knew him, but it was true all the same.

On the other side of the table, Diego stopped eating and picked up his wineglass, then took a slow sip.

“When we texted back and forth last night, you didn’t say anything about anyone getting hurt, so I was wondering if Hobbs got that part of the story wrong,” she added.

Diego set down his glass, meeting her gaze. The look in his dark eyes made her heart beat out of control all of a sudden.

“I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want you to worry, but we did end up engaging with the suspects and one of us did get shot,” he said.

“Oh God!” Her hand tightened on her fork. “Who?”

How could Diego sit there so calmly talking about this? She felt like her heart was racing at breakneck speed right now.

“It was me,” he said, his voice so casual it

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