Wolf Untamed (SWAT - Special Wolf Alpha Team #11) - Paige Tyler Page 0,117

table to sit near him was any indication.

“Who won?” she asked as Diego set a plate with a cheeseburger, potato salad, and baked beans in front of her, then sat beside her. His plate had two of everything on it, along with gigantic helpings of sides.

He leaned in to kiss her. “We did. That kid of yours is a damn good volleyball player. I think I actually managed to talk him into trying out for the team at school.”

Bree did a double take. Her son had never participated in any extracurricular activities in school, though she’d talked herself blue in the face trying to convince him. Tears stung her eyes, and she gave a Diego a kiss as she blinked them away. “If I didn’t already love you so much, I’d fall in love with you for doing that. Thank you.”

Diego surprised her by blushing a little, and he quickly took a bite of his cheeseburger.

“Where is Brandon anyway?” she asked, glancing around as she picked up her own burger.

“He and Kevin are eating with the betas and some of the other teens.”

Bree followed the direction of Diego’s gaze to see Brandon and Kevin sitting at a nearby table, plates of food in front of them. While the food was delicious, the two boys had eyes only for the two teenage girls across from them, who were clearly as interested in Brandon and Kevin. She smiled, unable to help it.

“Something tells me we’re going to have to deal with Brandon dating soon,” she said to Diego.

“Not if we ground him until he’s eighteen,” Diego joked.

Bree laughed and bit into her burger. It was juicy and perfectly cooked, the cheese on top gooey and melted over the sides. She almost pinched herself more than once the past two weeks to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. But she knew better. No dream she’d ever had could be this wonderful.

After Diego had finished all the paperwork that came with taking Dave and Hobbs into custody—and she’d finished up her own stack of paperwork that came with recovering the stolen property—they’d met up at her apartment to have dinner with Brandon as a family. It would probably still be a while before her son wasn’t haunted by seeing Dave try to kill Diego, and he was seeing a psychologist Diego said had helped Rachel through a rough patch, but with each passing day, the memory got more and more distant.

It helped that STAT, the federal agency Diego told her about that handled supernatural threats, took custody of Dave and Hobbs, locking them up someplace where neither of them could ever hurt anyone else. She and Brandon would never have to worry about Dave getting released and inserting himself into their lives again. Luckily, all the people he and Hobbs forced to commit crimes for them wouldn’t be going to jail. As far as the world knew, Dave and Hobbs had given their victims a drug known as delirium, and when Diego and his teammates took them down, they destroyed the drug at the same time.

That same night, over dinner, Diego had asked if she and Brandon would like to move in with him. Bree was over the moon at the idea and was thrilled to know Brandon was excited about it, too. He’d been a little nervous he’d have to go to a different high school if they moved, but as it turned out, Diego’s house was in the same school district. They’d moved in with Diego the next day. Bree thought that living in the country would take some getting used to, but it was perfect. And while her sister would never say it out loud, she knew Beth was excited to have the apartment to herself. Now, she didn’t have to feel guilty about abandoning them to move in with her boyfriend.

Bree was silently marveling at how Diego could have possibly finished his burger and steak and was halfway through his hot dog when Trey came over to join them, grabbing a bite to eat in between manning the grills. His cell phone rang, and he dug it out of his cargo shorts to answer it as he sat down. He mostly listened to whoever it was on the other end before saying something too softly for Bree to hear, then hanging up.

“That was Samantha Mills,” he said, cutting into his steak.

“Has she learned what was in Dave’s and Hobbs’s blood?” Diego asked.

Even though STAT had moved in quickly to whisk Dave

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