Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,95

nodded respectfully at Arch, acknowledging the compliment. “And you wrote the book the rest of us studied from, Arch,” John said, returning the kudos. “I think every last one of my men would revolt if I didn’t invite you to stick around, now that you’re finally here. I’ve been inviting him every time we spoke, but he never quite got around to making the trip,” John directed those last comments to Jim.

“Well, that explains why Uncle Arch is welcome, but why me? Why Helen, for that matter?” Jim insisted

“While you would be welcome for Arch’s sake, you should know, Jim, that you’ve been earning quite the reputation of your own, working at his side. We respect that, but there are other reasons, not the least of which is your recent work for SeaLife. Which is why Ezra came this morning rather than lazing in bed with his pretty mate.”

“The task of cleaning up all the various businesses associated with SeaLife is bigger than any of us expected when we took it on,” Ezra admitted. “We’ve already hired a few troubleshooters. Some have worked out, and some haven’t. All three Bishop brothers are the ones who have worked out. Plus you. We need to speed up the rate at which we clean up the company. Trevor and Beth don’t want to let the evil linger any longer than they have to. In fact, they’re out there, right now, working on one of the problem companies while I hold the fort. We’ve been taking it in turns, staying here to keep things rolling. What we need are more reliable operatives that we can send out to do the work, and you’re right at the top of our list. We’d really like you to take the job.” Ezra looked at Arch. “You too, Arch, if you’re willing.”

Arch tipped a casual salute Ezra’s way. “We’ll talk more later.”

Ezra nodded agreement to this proposal and subsided.

Chapter Twenty-Two

“There’s also the matter of those documents you brought here from Texas,” John reminded them all. “While some of them pertain to SeaLife, there’s also a treasure trove of information about the Venifucus structure and their Altor Custodis infiltration. We could use your help with that, perhaps, as well.”

Jim nodded. “I looked at some of it, and I can help with parts, but you’re going to need specialists for the bulk of those documents.”

“I’ve already put out some feelers,” John assured him. “Your Helen has proven herself a kind and resourceful woman,” John went on, going back to Jim’s previous question. “I have reports of her daring from Joe Villalobos in Texas and have heard rumors about her adventures with fireworks in Virginia. That healing talent of hers is something special, from all accounts, as well.” John sighed. “I never envisioned this town would have such a thing as a magic circle, but it does, and they’ve lobbied me to extend the welcome to Helen because they all know of and respect her family’s magical heritage. It doesn’t hurt that more than one has had some kind of vision that showcases her as a future member of their magic circle. The painting Laura gave you was just the beginning,” John promised.

“I’m not sure if I should be impressed or afraid,” Jim admitted with a rueful grin. “I’m not sure what Helen will think of all this.”

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you first,” John admitted. “We’re all shifters. We all have a common background, if different peculiarities. Although I mated a powerful witch, I have to admit, I still can’t begin to guess, sometimes, how she’ll react to things. You know Helen best. That’s why I think this will work better if you’re the one explaining our position to her. You two also need to arrive at your decision together, so you’ll have to spend some time talking it all over.”

“Actually, that won’t be necessary.”

Jim jumped to his feet, hearing Helen’s voice behind him. She’d dressed in one of the outfits she’d bought in Texas and looked a vision to his eyes. He went to her side.

“I woke, and you were gone. I decided to go hunting, and here I find you, having a club meeting where, apparently, no girls are allowed.” She chuckled to soften her words, and he knew she wasn’t mad at him. Thank goodness.

“How much did you hear?” he asked.

“Most of it, I think. They want us to stay?” she asked, talking to him, but Jim knew the others could hear her soft-spoken words.


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