Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,90

sterile dressings, but the deep lacerations were still there, hurting when she didn’t remember to dampen the pain.

“I can’t do much of the energetic stuff right now,” she told Jim. “But I do love you, and I want you to make love to me. I think, given a bit of the mutual energy flow that always seems to evolve between us, the injuries will heal, and I’ll be able to…um…participate a bit more.” She raised the arm that hurt the least and cupped his jaw. “Think of it as an experiment.”

“An experiment where I get to do things to you while you lay back and enjoy it?” he mused. “I think I like the sound of that.”

He surprised her by lifting her into his arms again, and carrying her over to the large bed. He lay her down as gently as a feather then proceeded to kiss her clothing off her body. She wasn’t wearing all that much. Just a cotton sundress she’d bought in Texas with nothing underneath. Putting on a bra and panties had been beyond her with the painful wounds she still had, and she knew she wasn’t going far.

The wide-cut, soft cotton of the dress would work just as well as a nightgown, and she figured if she had to, she could sleep in it. Though, to be honest, with Jim in the same room, she preferred to sleep in nothing at all. Sleep itself was optional, at best, when Jim was near. She’d rather be skin-to-skin with him anytime, than wearing any sort of fabric that could get between them.

As Jim made love to her, she felt the pain slough off as if it had never been. When he gave her the first orgasm of many, her hips lifted off the bed, his mouth and hands following as he gave her the most intimate of kisses. She began to move with no pain and suspected the bandages weren’t necessary anymore.

When he lifted the dress higher to expose her breasts, she lifted her shoulders off the bed and demanded he remove it completely. He complied, something dangerous in his eyes lighting as her movements became more fluid.

“Are you feeling better?” he asked, pausing to remove his shirt by ripping it off over his head and throwing it after her dress, across the room to land on the chair.

She sat up and checked the bandage on her arm, peeking beneath. She saw pink skin, not the raw red that had been there before. Biting her lip, she removed the bandage completely and was amazed—though she’d expected this would happen—at the complete lack of a wound. There was just a pink slash of newly healed skin where before there had been an angry red slash of an open wound.

“See what you do to me?” she said, holding up her arm as he shucked his pants and got completely naked.

“That is pretty awesome,” he allowed, turning back to her and lifting her arm to his lips. He kissed the healing pink line gently.

“I take this as more proof that we were meant to be together. Something this miraculous has to be a gift from the Divine, don’t you think?”

He nodded, kissing his way up her arm until he reached her lips. Then, he took her back down to the bed, covering her body with his.

He slid into her, and all was right with her world. Their energy was unbelievable, and she was sure that any remaining injuries on her body would not survive this delectable experience. He was as gentle with her as he had ever been, probably in deference to her healing body, but she wasn’t going to sit idly by. No, she wrapped her legs around his hips and urged him on with her heels against the backs of his thighs.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice nearly a growl as he held himself above her. The rigidity of his muscles made her mouth water.

“Absolutely. Do it, Jim. Do it, now.” She panted as he increased the pace, powering into her and building the inferno between them to majestic heights.

She clung to his shoulders and did her best to move with him as they strained together. Something so perfect had to be truly blessed. She knew for certain that she had found her destiny with this man, and no matter where they ended up living, all would be well, as long as they were together.

When the crisis came, they faced it together, going over the edge of

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