Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,80

there was any breakfast still available.

There was, and she spent a few minutes chatting with Felicia and Miss Felicity while she ate then worked with Miss Felicity for a few minutes, doing another healing session that went even better than Helen had expected. The extra energy boost she got from making love with Jim seemed to give her even more power to work with when she healed.

“You know, I may have overestimated how long I’d need to treat you,” she told Miss Felicity when she was done with the morning’s healing session. “You’re taking to this better than I’d expected, and I’ve had a bit more energy to work with since being…uh…in this town.”

“Being with young Jim, you mean.” Miss Felicity grinned as she gave Helen a knowing look.

Helen felt her cheeks heat with a telltale flush but realized Miss Felicity must have learned a thing or two in her time. Maybe she could explain what was going on.

“I don’t understand it,” Helen said, gauging Miss Felicity’s reaction to her words. “I’ve never gotten such an energy boost from anyone. Being around Jim does something unexpected.” Helen shook her head. “Have you ever heard of anything like that before?”

Miss Felicity nodded. “It’s the combination of shifter magic with yours. I’ve seen such things go either way. Sometimes, they work together and feed each other, making both people stronger than they were before. Sometimes, they clash. The times I’ve seen it cooperate were among mated pairs who had very strong emotional bonds and very happy lives together.” Miss Felicity smiled broadly. “I’m glad to see you two doing so well. I expect great things to come of your relationship.”

“If we even have a relationship,” Helen muttered, forgetting, for the moment, about sharp shifter hearing.

“Do you mean to tell me that boy hasn’t declared himself yet?” Miss Felicity seemed a bit outraged.

Helen felt the odd need to defend Jim from the old lady’s ire. “He’s hardly had time. We only just met a few days ago, and we’ve only been…um…together…well…not long at all.” Helen felt herself blushing again. People didn’t talk much about sex in the culture she’d been raised in—and especially not with their elders.

Miss Felicity scoffed. “Things were done differently in my day. Not to say we didn’t have our fun, but mating was serious business, and we didn’t screw around when it came to that.” Miss Felicity seemed to think about it then shrugged. “I suppose he must be confused,” she finally said. “I’ve seen that happen more than it should. Some men just don’t know what’s good for them when it’s standing right in front of them. He’ll figure it out eventually. They always do. It just takes some longer than others.” She shook a finger at Helen. “Don’t make it too easy on him when he does. A woman deserves to know where she stands, and if he makes you wait, you give him what-for when the time comes, understand? It’s the principle of the thing.”

Helen could do nothing other than nod and agree with Miss Felicity, even if her words were a bit bewildering. Helen still had no idea if she and Jim were meant to be together long-term. After last night, she’d love it if that was the case. They already knew they worked well together under pressure, and they had complementary skill sets. She also enjoyed his company and thought he felt the same, and when it came time to make love…well…that was pretty darn fantastic, so it was clear they were compatible that way.

If that was enough to make a mating among shifters, they were already there. The thing was, Helen wasn’t a shifter, and she wanted that one elusive thing that they’d never even hinted at. She wanted love.

For her part, she was already most of the way in love with Jim, but she wasn’t sure what he was feeling, at all. The topic had just never come up. Sure, he’d showed her he cared with his gestures and gentleness, but was that enough to build a life on? Was it love?

She didn’t know. She was downright afraid to even hint at the subject, lest it ruin what they already had together.

Helen left Miss Felicity, who was feeling as well as Helen could probably make her. If they were still here tomorrow, Helen would try another treatment, but she really thought her work was done. On her way out the door, she spotted Felicia and told her as much. Felicia surprised her

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