Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,77


His power made her feel delicate and feminine. Her. A farm girl. Born and bred to work a full day and never complain. She had seldom felt delicate in her entire life, but being around Jim made that fantasy a reality. He made her feel soft and feminine and so very desired.

It was a heady experience for a farm girl who had never really felt the zap of instant attraction as she had for Jim. She didn’t know, for sure, if he felt the same, but she was suspending reality for this time out of time with him. She was going to enjoy it for all she could, just in case she never got the chance to be with him, again.

Their earlier discussion about their relative ages brought harsh reality all too close to her mind. He was older than her. Substantially so if he’d watched 1980’s television shows when he was a kid. She knew shifters aged differently than other beings. She just hadn’t expected to have that reality displayed so openly when an off-hand remark made her realize their differences, all over again.

She resolved to forget it. At least, for now. She wanted to enjoy this time with him, and besides, the way he touched her pretty much drew all coherent thought from her mind so that only pleasure remained. She’d focus on that. The incredible pleasure only Jim had ever brought to her.

He lifted her and turned her so that she was facing him and her thighs straddled his hips. Then, he made use of the wide bench at the back of the shower. He sat, draping her over him, her thighs splayed open directly across from his erection. Oh, yeah. That’s just what she wanted. He rubbed their bodies together, his warm hands playing over her hips and spine.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his words clipped and his excitement evident in the labored nature of his breathing.

“Definitely,” she told him, unable to speak more than that single word.

“Thank heaven,” he gasped, bringing them together and sliding deep inside.

Chapter Eighteen

Jim’s eyes closed, and Helen watched the tight lines of his face with fascination. She’d never really watched a man in passion before. She’d always been a bit embarrassed by the whole thing and kept her eyes closed or on something else, for the most part. But, with Jim, she wanted to see it all. His restraint, his surrender to passion, and most of all, his pleasure.

She felt the deep penetration of his length within her. It felt good. It felt like coming home. Right. Tremendously satisfying…and they hadn’t even really gotten started, yet.

The warm rain of the shower poured down around them as Jim began to move, guiding her hips so that Helen understood the rhythm he wanted her to take. Her knees on the tile of the bench seat for leverage, she did the best she could on the slippery surface to hold it together long enough to bring them both pleasure. She began moving slowly, at first, figuring out how best to position herself on this unique surface. Jim was there, guiding her hips, holding her steady. He was her anchor. Her rock.

Heaven knew, he was definitely hard as one as she rode him in the steamy rain of the shower stall. She doubted she would ever take a shower, again, without thinking of this moment. It was perfect. Their bodies straining together, Jim having given control of their motion to her—at least for now. She liked it. She liked the feeling of power he gave her. He was such a good man, and he made her feel so good. She might die of the pleasure, but she’d die happy.

Helen increased her pace, riding him with confidence, now that she’d figured out just how to move on the slick surface and how deep to take him. All the way felt right. Like he would become part of her forever, which she didn’t mind in the least at that moment.

She panted as she rode him, encouraged by his hand on her ass. He surprised her with a wet slap that smarted a bit but also, oddly, turned her on even more.

“You like that?” Jim asked, his smile full of deviltry. “I’ll have to remember that.”

Helen was beyond replying in words at that point, and when he smacked her ass, again, this time on the other cheek, she went off like a rocket, coming hard around him. She squeezed him with her internal muscles, milking his cock

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