Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,57

is to do so.”

Helen laughed. “If I were a wolf, I would definitely do that.”

“Come now, you must have your own ways of keeping folks in line,” Miss Felicity suggested.

Helen thought about it. “I’ll have to think about that. I’m not much of a mage, compared to others in my family.”

“Even non-magical folk can do it. I’ve seen it with some of the human mates in our Pack. They find the right way to remind their spouses that they have a voice, too, and they use it when necessary.” Miss Felicity nodded knowingly. “You just need to find your way of doing things. I understand the relationship with Jim is a new one, but you’ll figure it out.”

Helen wasn’t even going to ask how Miss Felicity had come to the conclusion that she was having a relationship with Jim. Maybe it was just an assumption. Maybe there was some way Miss Felicity had of knowing. Or, maybe, she’d heard something last night? Helen felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at that last thought, but Miss Felicity didn’t say anything more on the topic, which was a relief.

Helen sat in the chair that was placed at a ninety-degree angle to the couch on which Miss Felicity sat. The dog was not in his basket, nor was he anywhere in the room.

“No Angus today?” Helen asked, looking around for the little fellow.

“He’s out prowling around somewhere,” Miss Felicity said, unconcerned. “He always returns for mealtime, when he’s had enough exploring.

“I’m not sure if you know, but Joe, your Alpha, asked me to have a look at your knees, if you’re willing,” Helen said gently. She would never examine or treat someone who was conscious without their permission and cooperation.

“Young Joseph mentioned something to me about your abilities and then, of course, I saw what you did for little Angus. I doubt you can do much, but if it’s no drain on your energy, I wouldn’t mind an examination. The Pack healer has done as much as he can for my arthritis, so this is about as good as it’s going to get for me, at this point,” Miss Felicity said, a sad but resigned note in her tone.

“I can’t promise anything, of course, but…well…let me just have a look, first, okay?” Helen said, leaning forward in her chair. She reached out, putting her hand above Miss Felicity’s knee. “Is it okay to touch you?”

“Certainly, my dear,” Miss Felicity replied graciously, holding out her legs and tugging the hem of her long dress up just over her swollen knees.

Helen held back her instinctive wince. Those knee joints looked angry, even without invoking her gift. Swollen and painful, Helen had no doubt. Well, she could probably do something about that, at least temporarily. She’d have to use more of her gift to see if there was a longer-term solution, but first things first. Helen laid her hand on the closer knee and set to work bringing down the swelling and easing the pain.

When she was done with the initial treatment on the first knee, she went onto the other without pause. She suspected Miss Felicity wanted to say something, but Helen didn’t allow anything to break her concentration. Her energy levels were high after the night spent with Jim. So high, in fact, that the treatment of the swelling and pain didn’t take much of her energy at all. It felt like she had extra reserves now, or something.

Had sex with Jim given her extra magical energy? Helen had no idea that could even be a side effect of great sex. She’d have to do some research in the family archive when she got home. For now, though, she was buzzing with life-giving energy and able to do more than she’d expected. She took away the swelling, sending the fluid out, into the channels it was supposed to travel to leave Miss Felicity’s body and reduced what pain was left.

Helen ran her hands downward toward Miss Felicity’s ankles and took away the swelling, which wasn’t quite as bad, in them as well. She sent her energy out, seeking other places—hips and spine, in particular. She did what she could on this first go-round, noting things for the next treatment, which would come later.

“You’re probably going to want to go to the bathroom, shortly,” Helen advised as she lifted her hands. “Why don’t you try standing and seeing how that feels?”

Miss Felicity did as Helen suggested and stood up. She had a cane not too

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