Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,46

wanted and gave it to her exactly when she needed it. That boded well for the more intimate activities she hoped they would soon be enjoying. Sweet mercy! She didn’t know if she would survive his lovemaking if just kissing the man felt this amazingly good.

She felt motion and then, he dropped her onto a bed. She hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying her anywhere. She’d been so focused on the feel of his hard body against her and, in particular, between her legs, she hadn’t realized he’d taken the initiative and brought them to a bedroom. Which bedroom, she wondered in one little part of her brain that still had energy to wonder about such things before it was overridden by the more primitive part that was in full control of her body right now.

The beast of desire that wanted Jim’s possession. His lovemaking. His mastery.

And if that wasn’t a primitive thought, she didn’t know what was. Helen surprised herself as those thoughts scrolled through her mind. She’d never been one to revel in the dominance of a male, but apparently she was now. Maybe it was this male that lit that primitive fuse in her hindbrain and fired all those seldom-used neurons to life.

Was it because he was a shifter? Maybe his innate magic rubbed hers in just the right way to evoke this amazingly strong response. Maybe it was just that he was the manliest man she’d ever known. A soldier. A warrior. A deadly man who had killed to defend others. It wasn’t a pretty thought, but it was a true one. She’d known farmers and other upstanding fellows her entire life, but there was something about the danger of Jim. The sharp edge that was part and parcel of his being.

It could be a shifter thing, but she thought instead, it was a Jim thing. Something about him, in particular, flipped all her switches and created a hunger in her that she’d never experienced before. She had the awesome and somewhat scary thought that after this, she might never be the same.

That devil may care attitude that only Jim inspired urged her to throw caution to the wind and just enjoy what would come next. Based on his kisses and the way he touched her as he began to undress her, inch by precious inch, she thought they were both going to enjoy it to the max.

Chapter Eleven

Helen felt needy and hot as Jim undressed her. She wanted to help, but he gently pushed her hands away when she tried to assist. She met his gaze and found the same fire in her veins glowing in his eyes.

“Let me savor this, sweetheart,” he said, nipping at her collarbone before he worked his way down her body.

She lay on her back on the bed, Jim hovering over her as he did what he liked. She was powerless to resist or make any effort to do other than what he suggested. Not that she wanted to change anything. Jim was clearly well acquainted with the female form and how to bring a woman pleasure. She felt a little pang at that thought but decided to be thankful for his knowledge rather than jealous. The ugly green-eyed monster had no business in this bed. She couldn’t be jealous of a man who wasn’t really hers, could she? Not really.

And, if he did turn out to want something more permanent, she knew shifters didn’t play around. Not after they found their mate. If lightning should strike and they somehow were fated to be together, then she’d have a whole other set of things to think about. For now, she was done with thinking. It was time to just feel.

She loved the way he touched her. He made her feel special and desirable as he stroked the slinky fabric of her dress up her bare thighs. Packing light meant she didn’t have anything like pantyhose or stockings to wear with the dress. Just some panties and a bra under the soft jersey knit fabric. Jim lifted it up slowly, tantalizing her with each inch of skin revealed. He lowered his head to kiss her knee then worked his way up her inner thigh, nibbling and licking his way upward as the stretchy fabric of the dress moved with his hands, out of the path of his lips.

She gasped when the fabric passed over her panties, but he didn’t pause there. He went higher, lifting the dress all the way to

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