Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,25

I still own the air field, though it’ll go to Leslie sooner or later,” he admitted with a grin to soften his words.

“Later,” Helen told him. “Most definitely later. You’re going to celebrate a century and more, Sal. As long as you take care of yourself.”

Sal looked surprised. Helen met Leslie’s eyes and saw happy tears gathering there. Helen nodded and turned back to Sal.

“I’d listen to the lady, sir,” Jim offered. “She’s a healer of great power. Just last night, I was attacked by four hyena shifters and ripped to shreds. Helen brought me back from the brink, and I’m almost good as new today—and that’s not all just due to shifter metabolism. She’s got a gift, this one.” Helen basked in the pride she heard in Jim’s voice.

The older man didn’t seem to know what to say to that, but apparently, the news of hyenas in the neighborhood caught most of his attention. He scowled. “Hyenas, you say?”

“Yes, sir,” Jim said, taking the attention off Helen, for which she was grateful. She needed a moment to recoup her energy. “Four of them, working as a team. I haven’t seen anything like it since my last mission to Africa.”

“That’s not good,” Sal said, his eyes narrowing. “This why you need the plane?”

“Partially, sir.” Jim looked uncomfortable. “I walked into a trap here. The hyenas were waiting for me on the beach, while new intel puts my target in Texas. I need the plane to get back on track. I can promise she’ll be well taken care of while in Texas. I plan to put down at Big Wolf. I have Pack ties there.”

Sal seemed to consider that then straightened and nodded once. “Well, that’s all right, then. I’ve known the Alpha there for a long time. We fly a semi-regular route between here and there during the season.”

“Why don’t you two chat a moment while I help Helen get her things?” Leslie said brightly before Jim could reply.

Helen knew it was a ruse. She didn’t have any luggage other than the giant bag she carried, but Sal didn’t know that. Helen thought she knew why Leslie wanted to get her alone and wasn’t overly concerned. She met Jim’s gaze and nodded slightly at his questioning look.

“Don’t go too far,” Jim said, shooting a warning look at Leslie. “I want to go wheels up within the next half hour.”

“Not a problem,” Leslie assured him as she ushered Helen out the door. Helen wasn’t surprised when Leslie started with her questions as soon as they were out of earshot of the office area. “What did you do?”

Helen smiled gently as they walked. “You were right to be concerned,” she told the other woman. “He had a fairly nasty bug taking hold down deep in his lungs, as well as the beginnings of what might’ve turned malignant, but I zapped it all. He’ll be right as rain after a good night’s sleep. He’ll cough up some of that nasty, but don’t worry. It’s all harmless now. His body will get rid of it in less than twenty-four hours.”

Leslie’s brisk walk slowed to a stop. Helen stopped as well, turning to look at the taller woman. She had an expression of stunned shock on her face and tears rolling down her cheeks. Helen reached out, putting one hand on Leslie’s forearm, offering comfort.

“It’s okay,” Helen reassured the woman. “I meant what I said. He’s got really good genes. Barring anything strange happening, he should easily make it to a hundred, if not more, and in good shape, too. He’s got a remarkable constitution, and being around your magic can only help fortify that.”

“Being around me?” Some of Leslie’s shock turned to inquiry.

“Well, he’s your father, right? When people are close—related by blood or sharing strong bonds of affection—I’ve noticed that they often give and receive energy from each other without conscious effort. It’s pretty clear to me that your father has benefitted from your energy in recent years.”

“Mom was so worried,” Leslie said, the words making sense to Leslie, even though they came a bit out of left field. “She’s going to be so happy when she hears this.” Leslie turned and took both of Helen’s hands in hers, joy dawning on her face. “I cannot thank you enough, Helen. I owe you. Big time.”

Helen shook her head. “No, you don’t. There is no price for my healing gift. Just be happy and do good things. That’s all I ask on behalf of

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