Wolf Tracks - Bianca D'Arc Page 0,19

really curious.

“My mother sent me. She had a vivid dream vision yesterday night, and she sent me off in the morning with the instructions to stop at the fireworks shop just over the border and stock up before I got here.” She let her head roll back to rest on the back of the wide chair. “I had no idea what she had in mind at the time, but when it all started to happen, I suddenly knew what the fireworks were for. I’m just glad it worked to scare off those… Were those hyenas?”

“Hyena shifters,” he confirmed. “I’ve come across them before, but never in the States.” He frowned at his phone. “I was texting Uncle Arch about them. They’re common in parts of Africa and a few other spots in the world, but it’s unusual for a trained team like that to work on this side of the Atlantic. Arch is checking to see if there’s any scuttlebutt about a mercenary group hiring out to someone in the States.”

“Do you think we’re safe here?” she asked, her eyes looking a bit haunted.

“We don’t have a lot of choice right now, considering the state of us both, but I think we’re okay for a while. That was Ezra on the phone, and he’s turned up some interesting data about the man I’m tracking. Ezra’s going to arrange a private plane so I can fly out of here to a place in Texas where he thinks I might be able to pick up the trail,” he told her.

“I’m going with you.” There was no doubt, no hesitation in her voice.

Jim wasn’t sure what to make of her insistence. He’d assumed she’d go back home after her very timely intervention, but apparently, she had other ideas.

“I’m not sure—” he began, but she cut him off.

“I am. Coming with you. Mom insisted, and if you knew my mother, you’d understand that she only insists when there is absolute necessity.” She looked a bit embarrassed, but he wasn’t going to argue.

Even though it might be dangerous, he couldn’t bring himself to send her away. The truth was, he wanted to be with her, no matter what. He wanted her by his side, where he could keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t drain herself, as she had, ever again. He could almost be mad at her for allowing herself to get into such a delicate state, but she’d done so saving his life, so he found he couldn’t complain.

“It’s not really safe, but…” Yeah, he was a total scoundrel for feeling satisfaction that she wanted to go with him into danger. What was he thinking? He should be doing everything in his power to protect her, not bring her along on an interstate manhunt.

“Good. Call Ezra back and tell him you’ll need two seats on that plane,” she instructed, then stood and walked, somewhat unsteadily, into the bathroom.

Jim could only stare after her, marveling at the way she’d managed to issue orders. He hadn’t thought she’d had it in her, but she’d surprised him, yet again. Happily. He liked a woman with gumption.

Helen felt awful. She’d just barely made it into the bathroom on her own two feet, but she’d made it. She sagged against the counter, holding on for dear life. Saving Jim had taken all her skill and all her energy. But it had been worth it. The world would have been a sadder place without him in it, and she wasn’t altogether certain she wanted to live in such a place.

She used the bathroom and then splashed cold water on her face from the sink. It felt good. She would’ve liked to take a shower, but she didn’t think she had the strength to stand up that long. As it was, she’d been able to clean the blood off her hands before falling in a heap into that big chair at the side of Jim’s bed, but little else. A change of clothes would be nice, but she’d left them outside.

Jim was out there, too. She’d have to face him again, and do her best to hide just how drained she was. She could feel the concern radiating off him in waves, but there was nothing really wrong with her that time wouldn’t heal. She just needed to let her reserves rebuild naturally. A good night’s sleep ought to do it. Most of it, anyway.

She was just afraid the hyenas would come back. It had to be

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