The Wolf Prince - By Karen Whiddon Page 0,100

to the hospital. Chad was also taken off, escorted by a regiment of guards, still trapped in his ensorcelled prison.

Though Willow needed to rest, she and Ruben were told that the king and queen wished to see them immediately.

They were taken into the castle, and without a chance to clean up or take refreshment, Willow and Ruben were ushered into a formal sitting area. The servant closed the door behind him, leaving them alone. Ruben helped her take a seat on a gilt-encrusted couch, then sat beside her.

“At least it’s not the throne room,” Willow joked, trying to sound lighthearted, though she betrayed herself by the way she kept twisting her hands anxiously. The slight sag of her shoulders and the persistent way she shivered revealed her exhaustion.

Aching to hold her, Ruben nodded, absently noting the dazzling gilt-covered chairs, gold-threaded upholstery and glittery wallpaper. Bright didn’t even begin to describe the effects of it. “If I stayed in this room too long, I’d have a raging headache.”

Though she laughed, her nerves were apparent in the sound. Her movements were shaky, but she got to her feet and began to roam the room. She picked up objects, studying them and setting them back down without ever seeing them.

Finally, she dropped back into her seat next to him. “They’d better make this quick, or I’m going to pass out,” she whispered, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Stroking her hair, Ruben reached for her hand. Once her fingers were intertwined with his, he felt a little bit of calm peacefulness steal over him. No matter what happened, as long as Willow and he were together, everything would be all right. He had to believe that.

Finally, King Puck strode into the room, his narrow face pinched. There was no sign of Queen Millicent, Willow’s mother, and Ruben didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried.

Instead of greeting Willow, the king fixed his gaze on Ruben. “I see you’ve imprisoned the youngest EastWard prince. What evidence do you have against him?” he asked, crossing his arms.

“Against Chad?” Ruben sat up straight. “He tried to kill me. And then he admitted to murdering my servant. I request permission to bring him home so he can stand trial.”

The king flinched. “He is the second son of a powerful king. I don’t know that I can allow this.”

Moving slowly, Willow pushed to her feet, bravely facing down her father. “You don’t have a choice. You must send word to EastWard. You know our laws. Chad will have to stand trial. Not only did he murder a human servant, but he attempted to kill Prince Ruben.”

King Puck slowly nodded. “I’ll have to speak with your mother.”

Willow shrugged. “Go ahead. But no one is above the law. King Drem has put a binding spell on Chad to keep him from using his magic.”

At the mention of the Shadow king, a look of sorrow mingled with pain flashed across King Puck’s autocratic features. “You met your sire?”

Slowly, Willow nodded. “Why did you never tell me?”

“You mother did not wish me to.” He reached out as if to touch her, but dropped his hand before making contact. “I abide by her wishes, as always.”

“Where is my mother?” Willow asked, her voice steady. “I have much I want to discuss with her.”

“She’s with your sister. Until she’s sure Tatiana is all right, I doubt she’ll have time for you.”

Though Ruben knew the king’s words had to hurt, Willow’s serene expression betrayed nothing. “Would you let her know that I need to speak with her?” she asked.

King Puck nodded. “Of course. Meanwhile, I’ll go and prepare a message to be sent to the EastWard king.”

As he turned to leave, Willow stepped in front of him, stopping him. “And after Chad is well enough, he must be sent through the veil to stand trial for his crimes among the humans,” she declared, her tone daring him to disagree. “Prince Ruben has promised this to his father.”

After a long moment, the king sighed. “I suppose you’re right. Let me see what I can do.”

As he reached for the door, Queen Millicent swept into the room, her expression furious. “Arrest both of them,” she ordered, motioning her guards to come in after her.

“On what charges?” Ruben asked. Willow stood like a statue, allowing the guards to place her in restraints.

“On what charges?” he repeated, when it seemed plain the queen had no intention of answering.

She waited until he was handcuffed before answering.

“On charges of conspiring against the Copyright 2016 - 2024