Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,99

anything. I want you to find something you’re passionate about to pour all of your energy into. And we all know you’re not actually passionate about boats.”

“But you offered to start grooming me to work at the company less than two months ago.”

“That was a test. For years, all you’ve seemed to care about was taking over Sharpe Shipping. Until that moment, when you proved that your love for Thea and your brothers was stronger than your desire to turn into me someday.” Vincent’s mouth tipped up into a smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud of you.”

My heart thundered in my chest as his explanation sank in. In a strange way, Hayle had been right about his father all along. He’d argued more than once that I was being too hard on Vincent. That his choices reflected his determination to do what was best for his family. And, for the first time ever, I could see where Hayle was coming from.

Not that I approved of Vincent’s methods. They had a hell of a lot to be desired.

Hayle pushed up from the couch, forcing me to release his arm. “You’re unbelievable. Instead of telling us—any of us—the truth, you stood back and pulled our strings, like we were your own damn household of marionettes. It’s despicable.”

With those parting words, he stormed from the room and sprinted up the stairs. I moved forward to follow him, but Tristin placed a hand on my arm. “This is one of those times when he probably needs his space.”

I hesitated, not wanting Hayle to be alone at all right now. But I also knew, if it was me, I’d be craving privacy. Even from the guys.

“Okay.” I adjusted my position on the couch until my back was against Tristin’s side and my feet were tucked under Leo’s thighs.

“There’s something I want to know,” Tristin said.

Vincent nodded at him, urging him on, though I could detect sorrow in his eyes after Hayle’s exit.

“Why did you bring Thea back here? The real reason.”

“There were two main reasons. As I’ve told Thea previously, Amber would have wanted me to take care of her, but Emmylou forced me out. Though it was eight years too late, I needed to be able to fulfill that unspoken promise I’d made to Amber when I proposed.”

“So, it wasn’t just guilt?” I prodded, unable to resist.

“Sure, there was guilt. How could there not be? But it was more a sense of obligation and concern for your wellbeing than anything.”

“What’s the second reason?” Leo asked.

“I knew you boys were going to be a mess when Tristin arrived back home. The two of you hadn’t spoken in eighteen months, and Hayle was more withdrawn than ever. I thought Thea’s presence would be good for you.” His eyes scanned over the three of us and our intimate positions. “And, clearly that bet paid off, though not exactly in the way I expected.”

Leo smirked at him. “What? You didn’t expect all three of your sons to fall in love with grown up Thea?”

“Hayle? Yes. Tristin? Maybe. But, you?” He quirked a brow. “No. You’ve never shown any interest in a relationship with a girl, much less love. So, that was a surprise. As was the fact that you three are getting along well enough to spend time together, much less share a girlfriend. I have to say, that surprise is a rather welcome one.”

“Wait.” I felt Tristin sit up straighter behind me. “Are you saying you approve of all three of us dating Thea?”

“If you’re happy, yes.”

“But what about your whole keeping-it-a-secret-in-exchange-for-releasing-our-trust-funds deal?”

Glinda released a soft sound that made us all turn to look at her. “You didn’t tell me that part,” she said to her husband with a frown.

“I didn’t think about it,” he replied gently. “There was a lot to tell you.” Then, to Tristin, he said, “The only reason I asked you to keep your relationships a secret for three months was to make certain you’re committed, just like I told you. As someone with three divorces under my belt, I know how easily things can change. I wanted you all to be smart.”

Huh. So, there wasn’t anything more to it, after all. I would have bet my entire trust fund—however much money that was—that he’d been planning a way to break us up in those three months.

“What about your threat to ship Thea back to Kansas?” Leo asked. “Why would you do that if you wanted her around?”

Vincent shook his

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