Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,18

a few students out of the way. He laughed. “This is kind of fun.”

“Leo?” I asked, though I wasn’t sure why I bothered. This was totally the kind of thing he would do.

“Yeah. The entire team is in on it. We’re taking turns driving you to and from your classes for as long as you need us.”

I shook my head at him, but I was smiling. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“Trust me, I think we’re more excited about it than you are. This is our only chance to drive a golf cart around campus.”

I laughed. “I guess that is a perk. Are students even allowed to use them?”

“Generally, no, but Leo got special permission from the administration.”

That man. Every time I thought he couldn’t surprise me again, he went and proved me wrong.

“I missed you at our impromptu party the other night,” I told Jude.

Though he’d probably been happy to get out of having to attend. He didn’t usually have that choice, when most of the team’s parties went down at his house. Well, they had until the coach had banned them from hosting any for the rest of the season.

“Yeah, I went home for Thanksgiving.”

“I figured.”

“I heard I missed meeting your friend from Kansas who might be moving in next semester?”

I barely held back my groan. “Yeah, it sounds like he might be your new roommate.” I’d almost forgotten that Lincoln had mentioned trying to convince Tobias to move into the football house next semester. “I’m a little surprised you guys would accept a baseball player.”

Jude pulled up to the front of Carlson Hall and shrugged. “Rent money is rent money. Besides, it might be kind of nice to have a new team to support in the spring.”


I placed my crutches on the ground and carefully stepped out of the golf cart. “Thanks for the ride. Will I see you again?”

He gave me a smile. “Yep. I’m on the schedule at this time on Wednesday and Friday too.”

“Great. Looking forward to it.”

I waved as he took off again and turned to Tristin. “I guess you knew about this?”

“Leo has been working on it for weeks. He had to pull some serious strings to get permission.”

“He really didn’t need to. I would have been fine getting around on my own.”

Tristin snorted. “I saw your face in the car. I thought you were going to cry.”

I wanted to smack his arm, but I needed both hands, so I rolled my eyes. “I was just surprised you didn’t drop me off a little closer to the building.”

“I guess that’s progress.”

“What do you mean?”

“That me seeming like an asshole surprised you.”

This time, I snorted. “Yeah, that is progress, isn’t it?”

When we arrived in the lecture hall, Tristin sweet-talked a couple of girls into moving to the back so we could take their seats. I watched him, once again thinking that I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen him before. I’d definitely never seen this version of him.

Ever since my accident, it had slowly been sinking in that he was no longer the guy with ice running through his veins. That he’d probably never been that guy, no matter how hard he’d tried to make me believe he was.

That first day playing nurse, he’d told me that he didn’t want to push me or his brothers away anymore. I hadn’t believed him, so he’d promised to prove it by sticking around.

And he had stuck around. Not only that, he’d worked with his brothers to take care of me. He’d rescued me after Lily’s attack and accepted even the craziest of my accusations against her. He’d been protective of me with Hayle and was looking after me even now.

So, yeah, I was starting to believe what he’d said.

Civ passed quickly, and when I made it back to the front of Carlson Hall, Petra was waiting for me. She squealed when the golf cart reappeared, driven by a guy on the team whose name I didn’t know.

People stared as we climbed on board, but for once, I didn’t even care. Leo had given me this amazing gift, and I had every intention of appreciating it.

Which reminded me that I needed to text him.

Me: Please tell me you’re coming over tonight. I need to show you my gratitude.

Leo: That sounds promising.

Leo: Also, fuck, yes.

Me: Seriously. Thank you.

Me: You might be the best boyfriend ever.

Leo: Finally.

Me: ?

Leo: You recognize how magnificent I am.

Me: Always so humble.

But I was smiling, because he really was magnificent.

Leo: Always. See you

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