Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,16


“Tristin…” Why was it every time I thought he’d stuck himself in the friend zone, he proved me wrong?

He ran his thumb over the curve of my jaw before dropping it all together. “I know.” Opening his door, he said, “Stay there.”

Since my crutches were in the cargo area, it wasn’t like I had anywhere to go. At this point, I was just relieved that my hands had healed quickly, and I didn’t have to be carried around everywhere.

He appeared at my door a minute later, and I took the crutches without even a word of thanks. I used to think there was too much unspoken between us. Now, I was beginning to think that was the way it had to be. Words had the ability to give power to feelings that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

Tristin walked in front of me and unlocked and opened the front door. I passed him before pausing in the entryway. Hayle sat at the kitchen table, his laptop and several textbooks open in front of him. Looking at him, I never would have guessed that he’d ditched me, Tristin, and Leo for the last three days. He looked utterly at home.

That was, until he glanced up and found me watching him. For once, his expression gave nothing away. “Oh, hey. You’re back.”

“So are you, it seems.”

He nodded, closing his laptop and standing. “Can we talk?” He glanced at Tristin, who stood like a silent sentinel behind me. “Alone?”

“No,” Tristin answered before I had a chance to. “You haven’t earned the right to talk to Thea alone.”

I could barely hold in my smirk as that protective streak made another appearance. I hated to admit it, but I liked it. A lot.

Carefully turning, I put my hand over his. “It’s okay, Tin. I can handle it.”

His eyes flared with heat at the nickname I hadn’t even meant to use. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Okay, but all you have to do is yell if you want me to kick his ass out of here.”

I smiled. “Got it.”

Tristin glared at his brother but didn’t say anything else as he made his way up the stairs and out of sight. When I turned back to Hayle, I could tell he wanted to ask what was up with me and Tristin, but he wisely didn’t voice his thoughts.

“Can I get you anything?” he offered. “Water, orange juice, Teddy Grahams?”

“Teddy Grahams, huh? You must really be trying to suck up.”

I maneuvered to my favorite spot on the couch and waited for him to join me. If we were going to do…whatever we were doing…I wanted to be comfortable.

Hayle sat in the closest chair. “How have you been feeling?”

“Don’t bother with the small talk. I can tell you have something to say, so why don’t you say it?”

He pushed at the almost-black hair hovering over one eyebrow. “Blunt today, aren’t you?”

“Actually, yes.” I’d been blunt with Tobias, and now I was going to be blunt with Hayle. I was tired of dancing around unpleasant topics. I’d been doing it for too long, and I was just plain done with it.

“Okay, then, I need to ask a favor. And before you outright dismiss me, please know that I’m only asking because I think it’s the best thing for everyone, including you.”

I had a feeling I knew where this was going, but I nodded for him to continue.

“I need you to keep your accusations about my mom to yourself.”

Yeah. That was exactly what I thought he was going to say. “Does that mean you believe she killed my mom?”

“I don’t know, Thea. Surely you see that it’s an outrageous claim.”

“And believing that she was murdered because of corporate espionage wasn’t outrageous?” He’d been the first to think that someone at Green Industries was behind the threatening letters, after all.

“Okay, I’ll give you that much. But you’ve met my mom. You don’t really think she’s capable of murder, do you?”

If bluntness was the order of the day…

“Yes.” I shivered as memories of how I’d feared for my life sprang to mind. “Beyond the fact that she flat-out admitted to it, she came after me with a kitchen knife, Hayle. She wasn’t in her right mind, and she would have hurt me if you and Tristin hadn’t shown up.”

And if I hadn’t used a freaking water hose to fight back. I still couldn’t believe that had worked.

Hayle ducked his head. “I’m sorry she attacked you. I really am. But that doesn’t change my request.”

I wanted

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